Break Break béka Creative Commons License 2020.06.03 -1 1 25569

Azért elég röhej hova süllyedtek. Templomot gyújtanak fel (na jo ez olyan refromkormanyos túlzás) és az nem gond. Próbálták volna mecsettel


  • President Trump signed an executive order on religious freedom Tuesday as Washington, D.C. Archbishop Wilton Gregory slammed the president and first lady's visit to the Saint John Paul II National Shrine amid the protests taking place across the country.
    The executive order has not been publicly released but a senior administration official told Fox News it was meant to protect “people of faith around the world.” White House aide Kellyanne Conway confirmed to reporters that Trump signed the order Tuesday afternoon.
    “This executive order fully integrates the president’s vision – a vigorous defense of international religious freedom rights for all – into key aspects of United States foreign policy,” the official said. “Yet again, President Trump is taking a decisive action to keep his promise to people of faith around the world.”
Előzmény: blackberry smoke (25560)