HalleLuisa Creative Commons License 2019.12.21 -5 2 4459

" pillanatnyi elmezavarban "



A 40 év anyagát átfogó kutatásban megállapították, hogy a nők elenyésző hányada szenved benne, más kérdés, hogy nyilvánvalóan te nem olvastad... Dobd be a fordítóba: 


" several other studies have confirmed that the majority of neonaticidal women are not mentally ill at the time of the murder and maternal suicide after neonaticide is rare. Hatters-Friedman, Heneghan, and Rosenthal (2007), in their review of 81 women who either denied or concealed their pregnancies, found that none had psychotic denial and a psychiatry consult was only requested on four of the women. In 2001, Meyer and Oberman reviewed 37 cases of neonaticide and found that most of the perpetrators did not have a major mental illness. In D’Orban’s British study, she found that the majority of the neonaticidal women were not suffering from psychosis or depression.  "


Az okokról ugyanitt: "These women tend to premeditate their murders and may murder the infant as retaliation against another person, during an episode of abuse, or to remove an unwanted child "


És hoppá, nhmv: 

"Often, infanticide is attributed to a woman being in a post-partum state of extreme hormonal fluctuation. However, there have been surprisingly few studies in this area and those that exist largely show that hormone changes do not have a significant impact on a woman’s mental health, despite long-standing assumptions to the contrary (Wisner & Stowe,1997). For example, Harris’ (1994) review reported that no association had been found between progesterone, estrogen,or cortisol and postpartum mood or psychosis. In 1997, Wisnerand Stowe reported that studies to date had shown a lack of evidence that serum levels of gonadal hormones account for mood disturbance in women. 


To date, there has not been a definitive study that showed conclusively that the hormonal changes associated with childbirth cause clinical-level mood changes.The terms ‘‘baby blues,’’ ‘‘postpartum depression,’’ and‘‘postpartum psychosis’’ are often used as if synonymous, despite their significant differences. The ‘‘blues’’ are the most common, occurring in between 25and 85%o f women. These mild symptoms of crying and irritability begin within a few days of childbirth and end by the 2nd week (Dobson & Sales,2000)."

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