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Érdekes kutatási adatok születtek róla, az átlagban valahol ez a szám adódik, az okok pedig nyilvánvalóak: 


Az alábbi tanulmány alapján készült keretes összefoglaló adatai innen:



" A ranking police official notified the investigators whenever a rape charge was declared false and provided records of the case. In the study, 41 percent of the total disposed rape cases were officially declared false. The incidence figure was variable from year to year. The data showed that all the complainants were white, largely of lower socioeconomic background, and a majority was modestly educated. The study of the 45 cases of false rape allegations led to the conclusion that these false charges were able to serve three major functions for the complainants: providing an alibi, a means of gaining revenge, and a platform for seeking attention/sympathy."


Ez pedig a Wikin az összesítő az elmúlt negyven év felméréseiből mazsolázva, ahol a hamis erőszakvád a 2%-tól a 90%-ig terjed, ezért is lehet elfogadni a fenti ~40%-ot, mint közelítő átlagot, különösen úgy, hogy a legfrissebb a listában 2005-ös és azóta lezajlott egy metoo-hisztéria és még néhány apróság, miszerint a nőknek bemondásra kell mindent elhinni (Ghomeshi-eset, ugye...). 




A legismertebb US esetek közül ott a matracos lány, akiről kiderült, hogy hamisan vádolta meg a fickót erőszakkal, ám úgy tűnik, kifizetődő volt a behaluzott erőszak, mert a feministák így is díjazták a hazugságért a média pedig még mindig erőszaktúlélőként emlegeti:


"Emma Sulkowicz, a.k.a. “Mattress Girl,” was a Columbia University student who accused a fellow student of raping her anally, and when the accused was exonerated, she took to carrying a mattress around with her to represent that she was a “rape survivor.” To its credit, Columbia University recognized that the evidence, included pleading love letters from Sulkowicz to her sometime hook-up friend, was so strong that it could not avoid exonerating the accused. What did they do about the false accuser? They gave her “senior thesis” credit for carrying the mattress around! But even though carrying the mattress around, and carrying it to graduation, was against campus regulations, the administration never said a harsh word to Sulkowicz. She continues to be portrayed in the media and by feminists as a rape survivor. The National Organization of Women honored Sulkowicz with their 2016 “Woman of Courage Award”! After he graduated, the exonerated accused, who had been harassed throughout his remaining time at Columbia, brought a civil suit against Columbia, which the University settled for an undisclosed sum. The moral:  false accusations may get you a national feminist prize."


Előzmény: robopassmeet (4325)