"A nők nem bizony sokat vádaskodnak alaptalanul incesztus- és nemierőszak-ügyekben "
Így már közelebb áll a valósághoz. Az á-mítástechnikai szakértő figyelmébe hadd ajánljak néhány adatot:
"SPAIN year 2008: 142.125 accusations against men.
The Spanish government observatory of Gender Violence shows in their report that there have been 142.125 accusations against men only in the year 2008, - and 12,7% of the accusations ended up with a conviction. The Judge, Francisco Serrano, from the Family Court in Seville, declares that only 9,7% ended up with a conviction.
Out of 142.125 accusations - approximately 126.491 men were NOT guilty."
Az aránytalanság mértékének érzékeltetésére még egy link, az UK a számok tükrében: https://www.rapecrisisscotland.org.uk/help-facts/
"In England & Wales the number of sexual offences (64,205) recorded in 2013/14 was the highest recorded by the police since 2002/03.This figure showed a 20% increase compared with the previous year and within this, the number of offences of rape increased by 26% to 20,745 incidents, while the number of other sexual offences increased by 17% to 43,460 incidents"
Ehhez képest: "In 2012/13 there were 3,692 prosecutions for rape in England and Wales, resulting in 2,333 convictions.",
- a 20,745 bejelentett esetből
- 3692 került bíróság elé, amiből
- 2333 elmarasztaló ítélet született
És a legdurvább, hogy mindössze 109 (!) esetben indult eljárás hamis erőszakvád miatt - ÖT év (!) alatt (évi átlag: ~ 21 eset) : https://www.theguardian.com/law/2014/dec/01/109-women-prosecuted-false-rape-allegations
Azaz, a 1359 'NEM BŰNÖS' ítélet mellé nem került automatikusan egy hamis vádas eljárás, csak ~21 esetben.
És hogy mekkora súlya van egy hamis erőszakvádnak, nagyban függ attól, hol követik el:
"At least 109 women have been prosecuted in the last five years for making false rape allegations in the UK, according to campaigners ... The vast majority of the convictions in the last five years, 98 out of 109, involved prosecutions for perverting the course of justice – which carries a maximum life jail term – rather than the lesser offence of wasting police time, which has a maximum tariff of six months in prison or a fine."
"the UK’s stance on false allegations is more aggressive than in countries such as the United States, Canada and Australia. Prof Lisa Avalos, of the University of Arkansas, said false allegations in the US were dealt with as a misdemeanour offence, not a felony – and most women were not jailed if found guilty."
És még egy link: https://accused.me.uk/2018/03/false-rape-allegations-figuring-figures/
"Wiebke Steffen and Erich Elsner examined all 1754 rape complaints made in Bavaria in 2000. Police judged a third of these accusations as probably not true. No prosecution of an alleged rapist was pursued in half of the total. Of the 1754 complainants, 7.4% were investigated for making a false complaint, and of that 7.4%, every single one admitted she had lied. Police prosecuted three-quarters of the false complainants; the other quarter were let off because of mental instability."
+1 wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_accusation_of_rape