rigeroi Creative Commons License 2019.10.27 -1 0 2207

a Cambridge University már nem úgy látja, h a hunok barbár mindent elpusztító horda volt...

hanem együttélt a már ott élőkkel


hordes of ordinary Romans may have happily left their homes to follow the Huns and their nomadic lifestyles, according to research.


Tooth and bone tests show that over the course of a lifetime, some farmers on the edge of empire left their homesteads to become Hun-like roaming herdsmen and are likely to have bred with the tribe.

our new data appear to show some degree of cooperation and coexistence of people living in the frontier zone.


"Far from being a clash of cultures, alternating between lifestyles may have been an insurance policy in unstable political times."


Előzmény: rigeroi (2204)