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pontosabban vannak irásos feljegyzések, h 500 körül bolgárok jelen voltak mint hadsereg a hunokkal


 In 505, the alleged 10,000 Hun horsemen in the Sabinian army, which was defeated by the Ostrogoths, are believed to be the Bulgars.[62] In 515, Bulgar mercenaries were listed along with others from the Goths, Scythians and Hunnic tribes as part of the Vitalian army.[63] In 539, two Hunnic "kinglets" defeated two Roman generals during the raid into Scythia Minor and Moesia.[64] A Roman army led by magister militum Ascum and Constantiolus intercepted and defeated them in Thrace, however, another raiding party ambushed and captured two Roman generals.[65] In 539 and 540, Procopius reported a powerful Hunnic army crossed the Danube, devastated Illyricum and reached up to the Anastasian Wall.



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