HalleLuisa Creative Commons License 2019.10.14 -2 2 17530

De még mennyire! A top 100 cégvezetői székből is, 5-6% a nők aránya, hallatlan impertinencia, és még azok is, akik a csúcsra jutottak, 30%-os bérkülönbséget kénytelenek nagy átlagban elszenvedni!!!!


"The chief executives of the FTSE 100, the index of the UK’s largest publicly-listed companies, are still 94 per cent male. In November, the independent Hampton Alexander Review found that while the index is on track to meet a target of filling at least 30 per cent of company board positions with women – up from 12.5 per cent in 2011 – almost one in four companies in the broader FTSE 350 still only have one woman on their board."




"Business leaders more likely to be called Stephen than to be women - The few women at the top are getting paid 32 per cent less than men"

De jön már a megváltó kvóta, kitartás: "Government targets state that by 2020, 33 per cent of board members should be women. "


Persze a százalékokkal való harcba néhányan belegabalyodnak: "Just six FTSE 100 CEOs are women and they earn half the salaries of male counterparts

‘Even women who have reached the highest echelons face a gender pay gap and are paid less than men,’ says Dr Wanda Wyporska, executive director of The Equality Trust"




A legviccesebb a történetben, hogy a narratíva cikkenként változik:  :P




Előzmény: Törölt nick (17525)