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Herodotus includes the Mysi, or Mæsi, under the name of Thracians; and Strabo, lib.vii says , that many Greek authors did the same. The Mæsi were a vast people extending all along the south of the Danube, from its mouth to Illyricum. When Macedon was conquered by the Romans , their country was erected into two provinces, Upper and Lower Mæsia stood Tomi, the place of Ovid's banishment, on the Euxine; and we learn from his Tristia, that he there wrote a poem in the language of the country, and that the language was the Getic or Gothic.


Ah pudet et Getico scripai sermone libellum, & c.
De Ponto, lib iv. Ep. Xiii.
Nam dedici Getice, Sarmaticeque loqui.
Nec te mirari si sint vitiosa, decebit
Carmina quæ faciam pene poeta Getes.


From innumerable passages in his Tristia, and his books De Ponto, we learn, that the Getic or Scythic was the language spoken in Mæsia


• Justin. Lib. IX. C. 2. This very country Ovid describes as possessed by the Scytæ, whom he is other passages calls Getæ. It was the Scythia Pontica of Constantine I. And its bishops were called of Scythia, andso appear in many coucils. See Peysonnel Obser..... In all ages of antiquity Scythae and Getæ are synonymous as to identity of people. Scylax says: ...* His [Scythia] Thracia proxima est.”



A forrás egy értelmes összefoglalásnak tünik sokmindent feszeget ami nálunk is aktuális lenne:





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Előzmény: Jokki (1775)