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Hammer (2002) has recently argued that slave exploitation in agriculture re-appeared in Bavaria in the Carolingian period.



az bizonyos, h a frankokat éhínség sújtotta 

(az h az avarokat is, az feltételezés)


additions to the Annales regni Francorum concern military reverses, and discord
between Franks and with neighboring peoples (in 760, 775, 778, 782, 785, 789, 792, 793 and 798), and environmental or biological shocks such as this equine pestilence and the heavy rains reported in 793, and the vast majority of them concern, or are directly associated to, the king or ruling elite. For instance, instead of reporting on the subsistence crisis of the early 790s, the reviser writes only of how the heavy rains of the 793, which others relate to failed harvests and famine, ruined Charlemagne’s attempts to dig a massive ditch between the rivers Rezat and Altmühl. On the famine see below; on the ditch see Squatriti (2002). Of course, it is possible that the Avars sustained considerable or even greater losses and that this may have partially accounted for their military decline and defeat soon after.


marhák pusztultak el 801-ben



egy újabb járvány 810-ben 




egyébként, ha az avarok betegségben (járványban) haltak volna meg, akkor az nem lenne kimutatható a földi maradványokból?