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the Avars fought among themselves and the conflict finally broke into open civil war in 794 CE in which the leaders of both factions were killed. The subordinate authority left in charge offered the remnants of the Avar Empire to Charlemagne, who accepted, but then attacked anyway in 795 CE, taking The Ring easily and carrying off the hoarde of Avar treasure. The empire officially ended in 796 CE with the official surrender and, after that date, the Avars were ruled by the Franks. The Avars revolted in 799 CE but were crushed by the Franks by 802/803 CE
791-től 802-ig, 11 éven keresztül folyt a hábrú
794/795-ben polgárháború
795-ben felajánlották a behódolásukat, de sarlemány ennek ellenére megtámadta az avarokat
799-ben az utolsó avar lázadás, amit 3 évig tartott vérbefojtani |