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Károly Verdenben, Alsó-Szászországban állítólag 4500 szász lefejezését rendelte el, akik továbbra is gyakorolták a pogány vallást, miután áttértek a katolikus hitre. Ez az eset a „véres verdeni ítélet” vagy „verdeni mészárlás” néven vált ismertté. A mészárlás, amelyet modern forrásokkal egyáltalán nem lehet alátámasztani, kétéves véres háborút eredményezett 783-tól 785-ig. 





The Massacre of Verden was an event during the Saxon Wars where the Frankish king Charlemagne ordered the death of 4,500 Saxons in October 782. Charlemagne claimed suzerainty over Saxony and in 772 destroyed the Irminsul, an important object in Saxon paganism, during his intermittent thirty-year campaign to Christianize the Saxons. The massacre occurred in Verden in what is now Lower Saxony, Germany. The event is attested in contemporary Frankish sources, including the Royal Frankish Annals.


Beginning in the 1870s, some scholars have attempted to exonerate Charlemagne of the massacre by way of a proposed manuscript error but these attempts have since been generally rejected. While the figure of 4,500 victims has generally been accepted, some scholars regard it as an exaggeration.


The massacre became particularly significant and controversial among German nationalists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and in Nazi Germany.




a proposed manuscript error 

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