László Petra pere lezárulta után családjával Ororszországba költözik, Magyarországon ugyanis nem érzi magát biztonságban, jelentette be a tervét az orosz lapban. A család már tanul oroszul.
nem mintha igazat mondott volna (vay csak a neylvtalnulashoz hülye a rugdosáshoz nem), de most mar nem kell Vlagyimirhoz menekülnie
LONDON — Hungary’s highest court on Tuesday overturned the conviction of a camerawoman who was filmed kicking refugees at the height of the migrant crisis in 2015, briefly becoming a symbol of the country’s hostility to people fleeing the war in Syria.
The court acknowledged in a statement that the conduct of the camerawoman, Petra Laszlo, was “morally deplorable and against the law,” but found that the lower courts had wrongly convicted her of disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor under Hungarian law. If there had been disorder, it said, the migrants who ran through a police cordon were to blame.