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13. Accordingly, having sent forward Merobaudes with a strong force of infantry under his command, and Sebastian for his colleague, to ravage the districts of the barbarians with fire and sword, Valentinian speedily moved his camp to Buda; and having with great rapidity made a bridge of boats in order to guard against any sudden mishap, he crossed the river in another place and entered the territories of the Quadi, who from their precipitous mountains were watching for his approach; the main body of their nation, in their perplexity and uncertainty of what might happen, had taken refuge with their families in those hills; but were overwhelmed with consternation when they unexpectedly saw the imperial standards in their country.


14. Valentinian advanced with as much rapidity as he could, slaughtering every one of whatever age whom his sudden inroad surprised straggling about the country, and after burning all their dwellings, he returned safe without having experienced the slightest loss. And then, as autumn was now on the wane, he stopped awhile at Buda, seeking where best to fix his winter quarters in a region subjeet to very rigorous frost. And he could not find any suitable place except Sabaria, though that town was at the time in a a very bad state of defence, having been ruined by frequent sieges.

13. Praemisso igitur Merobaude cum militari peditum manu, quam regebat, ad vastandos cremandosque barbaricos pagos, comite adiuncto Sebastiano, Valentinianus Acincum propere castra commovit, navigiisque ad repentinum casum coniunctis, et contabulato celeri studio ponte, per partem aliam transiit in Quados, speculantes quidem ex diruptis montibus eius adventum, quo plerique ancipites incertique accidentium cum suis caritatibus secesserunt: sed stupore defixos cum in regionibus suis contra quam opinabantur augusta cernerent signa.



14. progressus ergo coacto gradu in quantum res tulit, iugulataque aetate promiscua, quam etiam tum palantem subitus occupavit excursus, et tectis conbustis redit cum incolumibus cunctis, quos duxerat secum, itidemque apud Acincum moratus autumno praecipiti, per tractus conglaciari frigoribus adsuetos commoda quaerebat hiberna, nullaque sedes idonea reperiri praeter Sabariam poterat, quamvis eo invalidam tempore adsiduisque malis adflictam.