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tér : terület


­t῾ṓŕe soil, dust: Tung. *turV; Mong. *tor-; Turk. *tōŕ; Kor. *tr.
PTung. *turV 1 earth 2 lump of earth (1 земля 2 ком земли): Evk.
tur 1(dial.); Evn. tȫr; Neg. tūj 1; Nan. tur-qa 2.
◊ ТМС 2, 217-218.
PMong. *tor- 1 snuff, tar 2 flying dust; black and blue spot, bruise (1
копоть, гарь 2 пыль в воздухе; синяк): WMong. tortag (L 827: tortuɣ) 1,
toru 2 (L 827); Kh. tortog 1; Bur. tortog 1; Kalm. tortəg 1.
PTurk. *tōŕ dust (пыль): OTurk. toz (OUygh.); Karakh. toz (MK);
Tur. toz; Gag. tōz; Az. toz; Turkm. tōz, tozan; MTurk. toz (Sangl.), tos
(Pav. C., Abush.); Uzb. tọzɔn; Uygh. toz; Krm. toz; Tat. tuzan; Bashk. tu-
δan; Kirgh. toz; Kaz. toz; KKalp. toz; Nogh. tozan; SUygh. tos; Khak.
tozɨn; Shr. tozun; Oyr. tozɨn.
◊ VEWT 492, EDT 580-1, Лексика 99-100. Cf. also Yak. tor ‘soot’. Despite Лексика,
the stem tozan is rather not a deverbative in -ɣan from the verb toz- (cf. the absence of any
traces of -ɣ-), but a denominative (like er - eren); this would explain the lack of length in
Turkm. This may also be a noun in -n derived from a denominative verb in -а- (Turkm.
toza- ‘to become dusty’, also without length).
PKor. *tirih field, steppe (поле, степь): MKor. tiri (tirih-); Mod. til.
◊ Nam 171, KED 533.
‖ KW 405, АПиПЯЯ 19, 70, 91, 274 (but Jpn. *tùti should be rather
attributed to PA *t῾ēŕu), Дыбо 11. Cf. Jpn. doro ‘dirt’ (PJ *tr; attested
late and initial not clear). Contaminations with *t῾ēŕu were possible.

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