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az történt, h össze lettek keverve a dolgok, azon kivül minden rendben



akivel a muszlimok szembeszálltak, az a vizigót Roderik és serege volt


On July 19, 711, with some 12,000 men, Tarik utterly defeated the Visigoth King Roderic in a battle on the shore of Lake Janda. Roderic was killed during the battle and Tarik advanced victoriously as far as Toledo.

akivel összekeverte a krónikás, az Achila volt


the southwest (the provinces of Lusitania and western Carthaginiensis around the capital Toledo) in Roderic's hands and the northeast (Tarraconensis and Narbonensis) in the hands of Achila is confirmed by archaeological and numismatic evidence.
Achila's reign probably began shortly after Roderic's and lasted until 713.