Üdv,össze raktam magamnak egy kódot, de nem kapcsol rendesen, segítsetek kijavítani, köszönöm.
#include <Wire.h>
#include <RTClib.h>
#include <Time.h>
#include <TimeAlarms.h>
// Start Time Light 1
int sHour = 06;
int sMinute = 40;
int sSecond = 0;
// Start Time Light 2
int s2Hour = 07;
int s2Minute = 00;
int s2Second = 00;
// Start Time Light 3
int s3Hour = 07;
int s3Minute = 20;
int s3Second = 00;
// Start Time Light 4
int s4Hour = 07;
int s4Minute = 40;
int s4Second = 00;
// Start Time Light 5
int s5Hour = 07;
int s5Minute = 00;
int s5Second = 00;
// Start Time Light 6
int s6Hour = 07;
int s6Minute = 20;
int s6Second = 24;
// End Time Light 1
int eHour = 17;
int eMinute = 40;
int eSecond = 00;
// End Time Light 2
int e2Hour = 18;
int e2Minute = 00;
int e2Second = 00;
// End Time Light 3
int e3Hour = 18;
int e3Minute = 20;
int e3Second = 00;
// End Time Light 4
int e4Hour = 18;
int e4Minute = 40;
int e4Second = 00;
// End Time Light 5
int e5Hour = 19;
int e5Minute = 00;
int e5Second = 00;
// End Time Light 6
int e6Hour = 19;
int e6Minute = 20;
int e6Second = 00;
int lightRelay1 = 9;
int lightRelay2 = 2;
int lightRelay3 = 3;
int lightRelay4 = 4;
int lightRelay5 = 5;
int lightRelay6 = 6;
void setup() {
// Set the relay to off immediately
digitalWrite(lightRelay1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(lightRelay2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(lightRelay3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(lightRelay4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(lightRelay5, HIGH);
digitalWrite(lightRelay6, HIGH);
// Set the pinmode
pinMode(lightRelay1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(lightRelay2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(lightRelay3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(lightRelay4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(lightRelay5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(lightRelay6, OUTPUT);
// Notify if the RTC isn't running
if (! RTC.isrunning()) {
Serial.println("RTC is NOT running");
// Get time from RTC
DateTime current = RTC.now();
DateTime compiled = DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__);
if (current.unixtime() < compiled.unixtime()) {
Serial.println("RTC is older than compile time! Updating");
RTC.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__));
// Use RTC time to set the start time1
setTime(sHour, sMinute, sSecond, current.day(), current.month(), current.year());
time_t s = now();
// Use RTC time to set the start time2
setTime(s2Hour, s2Minute, s2Second, current.day(), current.month(), current.year());
time_t s2 = now();
// Use RTC time to set the start time3
setTime(s3Hour, s3Minute, s3Second, current.day(), current.month(), current.year());
time_t s3 = now();
// Use RTC time to set the start time4
setTime(s4Hour, s4Minute, s4Second, current.day(), current.month(), current.year());
time_t s4 = now();
// Use RTC time to set the start time5
setTime(s5Hour, s5Minute, s5Second, current.day(), current.month(), current.year());
time_t s5 = now();
// Use RTC time to set the start time6
setTime(s6Hour, s6Minute, s6Second, current.day(), current.month(), current.year());
time_t s6 = now();
// Use RTC time to set the end time1
setTime(eHour, eMinute, eSecond, current.day(), current.month(), current.year());
time_t e = now();
// Use RTC time to set the end time2
setTime(e2Hour, e2Minute, e2Second, current.day(), current.month(), current.year());
time_t e2 = now();
// Use RTC time to set the end time3
setTime(e3Hour, e3Minute, e3Second, current.day(), current.month(), current.year());
time_t e3 = now();
// Use RTC time to set the end time4
setTime(e4Hour, e4Minute, e4Second, current.day(), current.month(), current.year());
time_t e4 = now();
// Use RTC time to set the end time5
setTime(e5Hour, e5Minute, e5Second, current.day(), current.month(), current.year());
time_t e5 = now();
// Use RTC time to set the end time6
setTime(e6Hour, e6Minute, e6Second, current.day(), current.month(), current.year());
time_t e6 = now();
// Use RTC time to set the current time
setTime(current.hour(), current.minute(), current.second(), current.day(), current.month(), current.year());
time_t n = now();
// Test if grow light should be on
if (s <= n && n <= e) {
digitalWrite(lightRelay1, LOW); // Sets the grow light "on"
if (s2 <= n && n <= e2) {
digitalWrite(lightRelay2, LOW); // Sets the grow light "on"
if (s3 <= n && n <= e3) {
digitalWrite(lightRelay3, LOW); // Sets the grow light "on"
if (s4 <= n && n <= e4) {
digitalWrite(lightRelay4, LOW); // Sets the grow light "on"
if (s5 <= n && n <= e5) {
digitalWrite(lightRelay5, LOW); // Sets the grow light "on"
if (s6 <= n && n <= e6) {
digitalWrite(lightRelay6, LOW); // Sets the grow light "on"
Alarm.alarmRepeat(sHour, sMinute, sSecond, Light1On);
Alarm.alarmRepeat(eHour, eMinute, eSecond, Light1Off);
Alarm.alarmRepeat(s2Hour, s2Minute, s2Second, Light2On);
Alarm.alarmRepeat(e2Hour, e2Minute, e2Second, Light2Off);
Alarm.alarmRepeat(s3Hour, s3Minute, s3Second, Light3On);
Alarm.alarmRepeat(e3Hour, e3Minute, e3Second, Light3Off);
Alarm.alarmRepeat(s4Hour, s4Minute, s4Second, Light4On);
Alarm.alarmRepeat(e4Hour, e4Minute, e4Second, Light4Off);
Alarm.alarmRepeat(s5Hour, s5Minute, s5Second, Light5On);
Alarm.alarmRepeat(e5Hour, e5Minute, e5Second, Light5Off);
Alarm.alarmRepeat(s6Hour, s6Minute, s6Second, Light6On);
Alarm.alarmRepeat(e6Hour, e6Minute, e6Second, Light6Off);
void loop() {
DateTime now = RTC.now();
setTime(now.hour(), now.minute(), now.second(), now.day(), now.month(), now.year());
Serial.print("Current time: ");
Serial.print(now.year(), DEC);
Serial.print(now.month(), DEC);
Serial.print(now.day(), DEC);
Serial.print(' ');
Serial.print(now.hour(), DEC);
Serial.print(now.minute(), DEC);
Serial.print(now.second(), DEC);
void Light1On() {
Serial.println("Turning Light 1 On");
digitalWrite(lightRelay1, LOW);
void Light1Off() {
Serial.println("Turning Light 1 Off");
digitalWrite(lightRelay1, HIGH);
void Light2On() {
Serial.println("Turning Light 2 On");
digitalWrite(lightRelay2, LOW);
void Light2Off() {
Serial.println("Turning Light 2 Off");
digitalWrite(lightRelay2, HIGH);
void Light3On() {
Serial.println("Turning Light 3 On");
digitalWrite(lightRelay3, LOW);
void Light3Off() {
Serial.println("Turning Light 3 Off");
digitalWrite(lightRelay3, HIGH);
void Light4On() {
Serial.println("Turning Light 4 On");
digitalWrite(lightRelay4, LOW);
void Light4Off() {
Serial.println("Turning Light 4 Off");
digitalWrite(lightRelay4, HIGH);
void Light5On() {
Serial.println("Turning Light 5 On");
digitalWrite(lightRelay5, LOW);
void Light5Off() {
Serial.println("Turning Light 5 Off");
digitalWrite(lightRelay5, HIGH);
void Light6On() {
Serial.println("Turning Light 6 On");
digitalWrite(lightRelay6, LOW);
void Light6Off() {
Serial.println("Turning Light 6 Off");
digitalWrite(lightRelay6, HIGH);