medve talp Creative Commons License 2017.01.22 -1 0 4844

Az hisztériás libbantak oldaláról


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Nesze a liberális hülyéd hisztériája....


  • Brennan became deputy executive director of the CIA in March 2001. He was director of the newly created Terrorist Threat Integration Center from 2003 to 2004, an office that sifted through and compiled information for President Bush's daily top secret intelligence briefings and employed the services of analysts from a dozen U.S. agencies and entities


Former CIA Director Brennan - REPUBLIKÁNUS, G.W BUSH ALATT KINEVEZVE -  is deeply saddened and angered at Donald Trump's despicable display of self-aggrandizement in front of CIA's Memorial Wall of Agency heroes,"  Trump should be ashamed of himself."


Előzmény: az isteni Higgs bozon (4840)