ötmilliárdkevés Creative Commons License 2017.01.15 0 1 3353

Graham brings a long history of statements attacking Muslims and LGBTQ people 


Mondom én, hogy kezdenek normalizálódni az usákok.

(Ezen az lqbtqrm  kódneven mindig röhögnöm kell:))


We have to understand who the enemy is and what he wants -- he wants to devour our homes. He wants to devour this nation.”


Ez egy tisztánlátó


“We have to be so careful who we let our kids hang out with,” he said.  


felelősségtudatos ember.


“We have to be so careful who we let into the churches. You have immoral people that get into the churches and it begins to affect the others in the church and it is dangerous."


Ott van mindjárt a buzik pápája.



Előzmény: medve talp (3350)