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a másodikban pedig az USA elnöke megölette az előző elnököt, majd hazaáruló módra összeesküvott az oroszokkal.

Ez a második pont most is összejöhet...



nem is tudod milyen igazt szóltál!


Trump már a 9/11 miatt létrehozott nemzetbiztonsági osztályt akarja megszüntetni ?!


Most mar em csak Putyin röhög teli pofával hanem az isis is!




  • Trump’s national security team has been meeting this week and planning how it might remove the position from the federal government, according to The Intercept report. The team has been looking into how it would fold different parts of the organization into 16 federal intelligence agencies that it currently oversees. The decision would undo a key recommendation of the 9/11 commission.
  • It’s still unclear how to Trump would break apart the DNI if he chooses to. The cabinet-level position was created in 2005, after the 9/11 Commission recommended establishing the position to fix major intelligence failures that occurred in the lead up to the September 11 terrorism attacks. The office was created as part of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act, so a new law would have to be passed in order to undo any provisions.
Előzmény: [fidelio] Pirandus (1248)