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Sikerült beszélnem a nemesítőével ennek a kárpátaljai kivinek, a következőket írta.


"This sort of self-pollinated by insects (bees, bumblebees, and others.). The presence of male plants pollinators is not necessary to produce a crop. The presence of other types of actinide site and theoretically possible cross-pollination on fruit quality, of course, is not affected. The first fruiting under favorable growing conditions possible for 3-4 years after planting in open ground. Kiwi fruit of the class have an average weight of about 90gram, major reaches 110 gram. Yields from the bush having a size of not less than 6 square meters (area trellis, canopy), about 20kg. A large area of plant development – provides more yield. Kiwi weakly or not fruited fruited when cutting to size less than 6 square meters. kiwi plant varieties do not recommend this shelter for the winter (insulation, laying on the ground). For his many years of experience since 1992 have not seen frost damage to plants to -28 (including in the first year after planting seedlings in the ground). Start vegetation – April-May (depending on weather conditions); flowering – May-June; ripening – October-November. Technical maturity of the fruits of this variety comes from the end of September."