Dub Oddity Creative Commons License 2015.01.30 0 0 9900

Inside album leaks: how do they happen, how do we stop them, and do they even matter?



Björk herself has now addressed the Vulnicura leak, saying there is “no way to say how you should react”. “In my situation, I had one thing going for me – the album was mastered and ready. I don’t know how I would have reacted if it was four months before. It might have been messier…. And I think also, because of the nature of the album for me emotionally, it’s the sort of subject matter where I really wanted to just get it out of the way, over and done with it. My gut reaction was immediately like that. It was an immediate album, and I did it so quickly, and it was like ‘Oh, it’s leaked, let’s just put it out.’”