Pro.polisz Creative Commons License 2015.01.03 0 0 7761

canarius nursery-től idézve egy érdeklődő:


I was planning to try growing mango in my greenhouse (live in Denmark), and was wondering which sort you would recommend. I would prefer an early dwarf sort if possible and it should be as cold resistant as possible.

Furthermore, what would it cost (I don’t know the weight) in shipping to DK?


  1. marcosSunday November 4th, 2012 at 11:40 AM

    Mango Torbert is a dwarf early variety.

    But probably the best you can try is Mango Keitt, because it has dwarf habit and it is a late variety. Late flowering means a better start in fruit formation during full summer.


A Keitt mangót nálunk is szokták árulni, nem törpe fajta, egy magoncom volt belőle, de nem bírta a telelést a citromfával. Eléggé kínlódott amúgy is szegény...