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In the set-up described above, MIDISPORT 1x1 is being used to route MIDI data between the controller keyboard, the sound module, and the computer. To set up MIDISPORT 1x1 in this way: 1. Connect MIDISPORT 1x1 to your computer with the USB cable. 2. Connect your controller keyboard’s MIDI output to the MIDI input of MIDISPORT 1x1. 3. Connect the MIDI output of MIDISPORT 1x1 to the MIDI input of your sound module. 4. Configure your MIDI sequencing software to send and receive MIDI signals from MIDISPORT 1x1. Consult your sequencing software’s documentation to learn how to do this. Important note: MIDISPORT 1x1 is not a MIDI THRU device and data received at the MIDI in port is not sent directly to the MIDI out port. It may be possible to route incoming MIDI input signals to the MIDI output through your MIDI sequencing software. Please consult your software’s documentation to learn how to do this. |
Előzmény: Törölt nick (1574)