Didergő Király
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"Myrobalan Plum Seedling — These are not normally recommended for use with apricots for several reasons. The graft union between apricot and myrobalan plum (Prunus cerasifera) is weak and may break in a strong wind. Slow decline of apricot trees on Myrobalan seedling rootstock has also been reported. Apricot trees on Myrobalan seedling normally come into bearing later than trees on apricot seedling. Myrobalan seedling rootstock is only recommended for areas where drainage is imperfect and apricot seedling will not perform well."
a kanadai mezőgazdasági minisztérium honlapjáról. nagyon beleástam magamat, jövőre már okosabban fogok nekiállni a kajszi ültetésnek. :))