Qqberci Creative Commons License 2013.10.18 0 0 423

COCOM nevű szervezet soha nem volt:)))



CoCom is an acronym for Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls. CoCom was established by Western bloc powers in the first five years[1] after the end of World War II, during the Cold War, to put an arms embargo on COMECON countries.

CoCom ceased to function on March 31, 1994, and the then-current control list of embargoed goods was retained by the member nations until the successor, the Wassenaar Arrangement, was established.




Még a KFKI is "zsebben" importálta a TPA-11440-hez a komolyabb - egyébként kommersz - integrált áramköröket... Münchenben Benkő úr tudna erről mesélni...

Előzmény: Becses Bryganti (385)