Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2013.05.23 0 0 1301

Ezzel kapcsolatosan egy bővebb összefoglaló több utalással (pl a korábban linkelt tanulmányból is): http://www.bsbanet.org/BSBA_DOCS/CDOCS/PPV.pdf



"...Later, with the characterization of PPV into four different types and the production of specific
monoclonal antibodies for their differentiation, together with the development of RT-PCR analysis,
the question of PPV transmission through seed was again approached. The virus has been detected
in seed coats and cotyledons, but embryonic tissue and seedlings obtained from germinated seeds
have never shown symptoms. ELISA and PCR assays have not revealed seed transmission (Pasquini
et al., 1998, 2000; Glasa et al., 1999). No PPV isolate is currently recognized to be seed transmitted,
therefore vertical transmission of PPV from infected mother plants to their progeny does not occur.
Hypothetically, the only possibility of seed transmission would arise from mutation in the helper
components if the virus, associated with high susceptibility of the infected Prunus cultivar (Pasquini
& Barba, 2006)...."

Előzmény: fehérkutya (1300)