Last Seal
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Two years later, William Branham, who had moved from his home in Jeffersonville, Indiana, was driving to Tucson, Arizona, his new base. In West Texas he had a head-on collision with a drunken driver and was taken to the hospital. His head became terribly swollen. A tube was placed in his throat to assist his breathing, but on Christmas Eve, 1965, he departed this world, even as the prophecy had stated. A tremendous ministry that had veered off course!
a drunken driver -részeg sofőr.Valaki utána nézett és a rendőrségi jelentés sehol sem említi az akkor kőtelező véralkohol szintet,egyik vezetőnél sem a balesetben. Most melyik beszámoló igaz?
Előzmény: Last Seal (2570)