Rudenko 1962: S. I. Rudenko. Kul'tura khunnov i noinulinskie kurgany. Moscow-Leningrad: Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1962. Still basic study of the Xiongnu culture from the evidence in the Noin Ula barrows, an inventory of whose contents is appended with 73 plates and numerous additional drawings. Translated into German as: Die Kultur der Hsiung-nu und die Hügelgräber von Noin Ula (Bonn: Habelt, 1969).
A kép felirata:
Frag. of embroidered wool with man's head. Barrow no. 25, found under the coffin (?). 20 x 14 cm. Pub.: Rudenko 1962, pl. LXI; Trever, p. 29; pl. 1; Scythian 1969, no. 76.