Mycroft Holmes
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A PLL-ről...
The PLL qualification process enables signaling the strength of qualifying countries’ fundamentals and policies. The core standard of the qualification process is that the member country:
- Has sound economic fundamentals and institutional policy frameworks
- Is currently implementing—and has a track record of implementing—sound policies
- Is committed to maintaining sound policies in the future
Qualification for the PLL is assessed in the following five broad areas: (i) external position and market access; (ii) fiscal policy; (iii) monetary policy; (iv) financial sector soundness and supervision; and (v) data adequacy. While requiring strong performance in most of these areas, qualification for the PLL allows moderate vulnerabilities in one or two of these areas, and substantial vulnerabilities in any of the five areas would disqualify a member for the PLL.
"Jól" számszerűsíthető.
Előzmény: Törölt nick (638)