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NSJF 2007

North Sea Jazz Fest, Rotterdam, 2007.07.13.
1. On the road again (Jones/Wilson) 0:00:28
2. Thank you stars (Mike Batt) 0:04:58
3. Blues in the night (Arlen/Mercer) 0:08:32
4. Halfway up the Hindu Kush (Melua/Batt) 0:13:24
5. Piece by piece (Melua) 0:16:40
6. Belfast (Melua) 0:20:20
7. Crawling up a hill (John Mayall) 0:23:50
8. Fancy (Bobbie Gentry) 0:27:47
9. Spiders web (Melua) 0:33:37
10. Call of the search (Batt) 0:38:40
11. Shy boy (Batt) 0:41:02
12. I think it's going to rain today (Randy Newman) 0:45:10
13. I cried for you (Melua) 0:48:10
14. My aphrodisiac is you (Batt) 0:51:45
15. The closest thing to crazy (Batt) 0:55:27
16. 9 Million bicycles (Batt) 0:59:53
Jim Watson (piano), Henry Spinetti (drums), Lucy Shaw (bass), Justin Sandercoe (guitars, vocal), Katie Melua (vocal, guitars)