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Photons in matter:
"In a classical wave picture, the slowing can be explained by the light inducing electric polarization in the matter, the polarized matter radiating new light, and the new light interfering with the original light wave to form a delayed wave. In a particle picture, the slowing can instead be described as a blending of the photon with quantum excitations of the matter (quasi-particles such as phonons and excitons) to form a polariton; this polariton has a nonzero effective mass, which means that it cannot travel at c."
"Alternatively, photons may be viewed as always traveling at c, even in matter, but they have their phase shifted (delayed or advanced) upon interaction with atomic scatters: this modifies their wavelength and momentum, but not speed.[89] A light wave made up of these photons does travel slower than the speed of light. In this view the photons are "bare", and are scattered and phase shifted, while in the view of the preceding paragraph the photons are "dressed" by their interaction with matter, and move without scattering or phase shifting, but at a lower speed."
Röviden összefoglalom. Azért lassul a foton az anyagban,mert valójában egy hullám. Az ok ismét a szuperpozició.
A második idézet sokkal szemléletesebb. Hiszen ez arra a kérdésedre is választ ad, hogy miért "gyorsul" fel újra a foton, miután elhagyta az anyagot.
Valójában se nem lassul, se nem gyorsul, hanem mindig c-vel halad.
A fázisa tolódik el különféle okok miatt . /és függően attól, milyen modellel írjuk éppen le./
Ha valami részletesebbet akarsz:
Nem lesz egyszerű végiglapozni sem. xD
Ez meg csak úgy, mert érdekes.