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Temp...... term......
Tep tap táp tép.... igaz ugye ha hévíz, hővíz, pont a jégkorszakban lehetett mint afféle ó oázis tápforrás a jégsivatagban. Ha én ősember lennék, a hordámmal tuttira elfoglaltam volna Hévízet és Miskolctapolcát. Persze Egerszalók is kívánatos hely lenne a számomra. :-)
1530s, "fact of being tempered," also "character or nature of a substance," from L. temperatura "a tempering, moderation," from temperatus, pp. of temperare "to moderate" (see temper). Sense of "degree of heat or cold" first recorded 1670 (Boyle), from L. temperatura, used in this sense by Galileo. Meaning "fever, high temperature" is attested from 1898.
temper (v.)
late O.E. temprian "to bring to a proper or suitable state, to modify some excessive quality, to restrain within due limits," from L. temperare "to mix correctly, moderate, regulate, blend," usually described as from tempus "time, season" (of unknown origin), with a sense of "proper time or season," but the sense history is obscure. Meaning "to make (steel) hard and elastic" is from late 14c. Sense of "to tune the pitch of a musical instrument" is recorded from c.1300.
thermal (adj.)
1756, "having to do with hot springs," from Fr. thermal (Buffon), from Gk. therme "heat," from PIE *ghwerm-/*ghworm- "warm" (cf. L. fornax "an oven, kiln," formus "warm," O.E. wearm; see warm). Sense of "having to do with heat" is first recorded 1837. The noun meaning "rising current of relatively warm air" is recorded from 1933.
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