Fonetikus alapon ligatúraként két rovásjelünk értelmezhető. Képileg. Az egyik a GY, a másik a NY.
"TY = T+LY"
Nyilván csak véletlen, de erről nekem a te + jó = teo szó is eszembejuthatna esetleg. Ebben a nagy bábeli zűrzavarban.
(Ógörög hívők magyarul szóln(t)ak az istenü(ei)kho(e)z. .-))
mid-14c., from O.Fr. theologie "philosophical treatment of Christian doctrine" (14c.), from L. theologia, from Gk. theologia "an account of the gods," from theologos "one discoursing on the gods," from theos "god" (see Thea) + -logos "treating of." Theology moves back and forth between two poles, the eternal truth of its foundations and the temporal situation in which the eternal truth must be received. [Paul Tillich, "Systematic Theology," 1951]
fem. proper name, from Gk. thea "goddess," fem. equivalent of theos "god," from PIE base *dhes-, root of words applied to various religious concepts, e.g. L. feriae "holidays," festus "festive," fanum "temple."
God és good és gut.
Különben a TY hangjelünket is lehet a T + J ligatúrának vizionálni.