Patreides Creative Commons License 2011.12.26 0 0 800

A sudiófelvétel körülményei egészen érdekesek (ahogy erről lentebb olvashatók Nerina saját szavai... az orvosok egy gyerekkori vesebaj következményei miatt már korábban a császármetszés mellett döntöttek)... de nem csak ezért szeretem a dalt. Hanem mert szép. :)


Nerina Pallot - Grace (Music/lyrcs: Steve McEwan & Nerina Pallot)


"...went into the studio and cut almost the entire album in a few weeks. We did a lot of things live, in one take; perhaps most magical of all to me was cutting Grace with everyone in the room the night before I had my son. I was at that point where the excitement of being pregnant starts to dissolve into pure terror and fear of the unknown, and although I wrote the song about someone else incredibly dear to me, singing the words “You’re my blood and my baby and we’re going to fly” completely choked me up. The vocal sounds a bit wonky to me when the strings come in, but we left it coz I know I was having a little cry at that moment since everything felt overwhelming, scary and beautiful, all at the same time." /Nerina Pallot/