Dub Oddity Creative Commons License 2011.12.13 0 0 9473


még egy ritkaság: Listening Tape / Work in Progress a homogenic-hez

a lényeg: apró eltérések a számokban, érdekesség a hosszabb unravel. a bachelorette itt még bertolucci néven szerepel, más az éneksáv, a szöveg, és ez is hosszabb. az alarm call itt még jacko néven fut, és egy hosszú dub verzióhoz hasonlít.


hivatalos diszkográfiául ez így szól:

note: title of track 1 has no accent. track 3 is the album version, except some slightly different vocal effects on first verse. track 4 is the album version, except that the final section has less strings playing. track 6 is the album version, but ending has an extra section, which doesn't fade out. track 9 has been later released as bachelorette. it has an accordion intro, a long accordion outro, a different vocal take, some different melody and some different lyrics. music is fundamentally same mix as album version, but features more 'crash' sounds. track 10 has been later released as alarm call. it has bass throughout the song as on the promo cassette, but this is a different mix with a different introduction. track is completely instrumental with only incomplete backing vocals and a bass line alterering towards the end.

