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"IMF, EU learnt from Greek, Irish bailouts: analysts 08 May 2011, 14:43 CET 

(LISBON) - An EU and IMF rescue deal struck with Portugal seems to have corrected mistakes made in the Greek and Irish bailouts, with more realistic targets and less stifling austerity demands, analysts say.

"The package of measures seems less aggressive than for Greece and Ireland, which shows that the EU and the IMF realised the formula used (before) had put a stranglehold on economic growth," said Joao Pereira Leite, an economist at Carregosa bank.

"Some lessons have been learnt," added Commerzbank analyst David Schnautz, with the Portuguese targets seemingly "much more realistic."...

"The IMF and EU have described the Portuguese programme as "socially balanced", warning it would require "major efforts from the Portuguese people" while supporting the government's wishes to protect the most vulnerable groups.

"The Greek experience has served Portugal well, benefiting from more favourable conditions with a longer payback period and interest rates close to those that Greece obtained after the revision in March from 5.2 percent to 4.2 percent," said Jesus Castillo, an analyst at Natixis investment bank.

"In putting the bar too high, one risks new market sanctions like happened for Greece," where the public deficit reached 10.5 percent of output last year -- more than the 9.4 percent targeted in the Greek rescue plan, he said.

Portugal faces a deadline of June 15 to get external aid, when it has to redeem debt of about five billion euros or default.

A year ago, Greece was forced to appeal to the EU and IMF for a bailout loan of 110 billion euros in return for an overhaul of its economy.

Now a year later, talk is on of restructuring Greece's soaring 340 billion euro debt, which the country insists is "viable", having already secured a repayment extension on its EU and IMF loan."

Előzmény: Abrosz Tisztakosz (361)