Gregor Samsa Creative Commons License 2011.03.05 0 0 4240

E szubkultúra rajongóinak ajánlom a német ALSO zenekar munkásságát. Minden albumuk erősen ajánlott és ez nem túlzás.



Sisyphos (1990, self-selling)
Elegie (1991, self-selling)
Enter The Subway (1991, self-selling)
George (1992, self-selling)
Wonderful Day (1992, NO control Torture)
The Void Is Calling (1993, NO control Torture)
Tonight (1993, self-selling)
Vahr (1993, self-selling)
Cold Rooms (1994, NO control Torture; Amoeba sound)
Vincent Price´s Favourite Torture Song (1995, amoeba sound)
Wraiths (1997)
Twelve Hours One Night (ep, 2001)
Fragments and Illusions (2001)

