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nem teljesen Urban Legend, csak a svájci alkotmány egy cikkelyének enyhe félreértelmezése. Először is a vonatkozó rész (34-es szakasz) az Alpesi forgalomra vonatkozik, de mielőtt bárki azt mondaná félrefordítom, itt az angol szövege:
Alpine transit traffic* 1 The Confederation shall protect the Alpine region from the negative effects of transit traffic. It shall limit the nuisance caused by transit traffic to a level that is not harmful to people, animals and plants or their habitats. 2 Transalpine goods traffic shall be transported from border to border by rail. The Federal Council shall take the measures required. Exceptions shall be permitted only when there is no alternative. They must be specified in detail in a federal act. 3 The capacity of the transit routes in the Alpine region must not be increased. This does not apply to by-pass roads that reduce the level of transit traffic in towns and villages. |
Előzmény: Carpy (36348)