sopa Creative Commons License 2011.01.11 0 0 94

Freedom of Press in Hungary 11/01/2011 Event date: Tuesday 11 January 2011 11:30 to 13:00
Location: European Parliament JAN 4Q1

In view of the recent adoption by the Hungarian government of a law on the press which clearly poses serious problems concerning the liberty of the press, I have organised an Open Hearing this coming Tuesday 11 January at 11h30 in our Group room (JAN 4Q1).

The Hearing will include a video message from György Konrad, novelist and human rights advocate, Professor Miklos Haraszti, former OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media and Professor László Majtényi, former Parliamentary Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information in the Republic of Hungary.



Open HearingOpen HearingOpen HearingOpen HearingOpen HearingOpen Hearing