Mr Spock
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What new can I possibly write here? Everything has been spoken and written. No, it is not proven that even a small dose of radiation is SAFE (I am a physician with three decades of experience). I acknowledge that the risk is small, but it exists. Details just about this could fill a book. No, it is not proven that these measures can prevent terrorism with 100% certainty. What is next? We had one person who tried to smuggle explosive in his shoes. Now millions must take off their shoes. We had one person who tried to smuggle non-metallic explosive. Now we have to expose ourselves to ionizing radiation or let ourselves to be touched all over our body. Just out of curiosity I am asking: WHAT IF, somebody will try to smuggle explosive inside of his/her rectum or vagina? Because yes, it is possible. Will we all have to have a rectal exam or women a vaginal exam to get on an airplane? What if the next terrorist will explode something on a bridge, or a tunnel, or on a subway, or virtually anywhere? How about the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution?
I could on and on with much more questions. Can all these REALLY protect the American citizens? I sure don’t think so. It may decreases the probability by a minuscule fraction of a percentage, but true full protection? No way.
Okay, but what could? Let’s examine the “other side of the coin” just to be on the fair side. I have a few ideas. How about profiling? Why is that such a big deal. Would it be worse than blatantly violating the Fourth Amendment? Profiling is nothing more than using probability calculations. We do it every day in hundreds of things. We look at a banana, if it is green, it is not ripe yet, if it is yellow, it is. The coach takes a look at a person who wants to play in the NBA. The guy is about 5 feet and 6 inches. He could be the greatest ball handler in the world, he wouldn’t have a chance to be even tried out. Is it profiling? Of course it is. Based on what? Based on common sense. Could the coach miss out on a one in a million exception? Yes, but the time and the effort simply not worth it. Again, I could list hundreds of examples, but I don’t think it is needed.
How about a bit logic? How likely that an airplane passenger would want to smuggle explosives from one American city to another? How would such probability compare to an airplane passenger would board abroad and fly to USA? How about checking those who are coming TO USA?
And of course this entire scenario is a big joke as long as virtually anyone can come across the border with Mexico. Would he have to hide the explosives in his shoes, underwear, on his body? Nope. He could just bring it in an ordinary handbag. So, how about really closing that border? We don’t know how? Let’s hire former agents from the former Soviet Union. They sure knew how to create the Iron Curtain.
Speaking of the former Soviet Union…….which country would have dared to apply any terrorist activity there? I don’t think many, in fact, I am nearly sure that NONE. Why? Because they would have known that they would be attacked and destroyed by Soviet Union. Perhaps USA should acquire a much less defensive and a much more offensive posture. Not toward their own population, but toward countries from where the threat is likely.
I could write a book, but there is no point, because every thinking person knows all this. Those who don’t, wouldn’t understand such book.