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List of thorium-fueled reactors Name and Country Type Power Fuel Operation period AVR, Germany HTGR, Experimental (Pebble bed reactor) 15 MW(e) Th+235U Driver Fuel, Coated fuel particles, Oxide & dicarbides 1967–1988 THTR-300, Germany HTGR, Power (Pebble Type) 300 MW(e) Th+235U, Driver Fuel, Coated fuel particles, Oxide & dicarbides 1985–1989 Lingen, Germany BWR Irradiation-testing 60 MW(e) Test Fuel (Th,Pu)O2 pellets Terminated in 1973 Dragon, UK OECD-Euratom also Sweden, Norway & Switzerland HTGR, Experimental (Pin-in-Block Design) 20 MWt Th+235U Driver Fuel, Coated fuel particles, Oxide & Dicarbides 1966–1973 Peach Bottom, USA HTGR, Experimental (Prismatic Block) 40 MW(e) Th+235U Driver Fuel, Coated fuel particles, Oxide & dicarbides 1966–1972 Fort St Vrain, USA HTGR, Power (Prismatic Block) 330 MW(e) Th+235U Driver Fuel, Coated fuel particles, Dicarbide 1976–1989 MSRE ORNL, USA MSBR 7.5 MWt 233U Molten Fluorides 1964–1969 Shippingport & Indian Point 1, USA LWBR PWR, (Pin Assemblies) 100 MW(e), 285 MW(e) Th+233U Driver Fuel, Oxide Pellets 1977–1982, 1962–1980 SUSPOP/KSTR KEMA, Netherlands Aqueous Homogenous Suspension (Pin Assemblies) 1 MWt Th+HEU, Oxide Pellets 1974–1977 NRU & NRX, Canada MTR (Pin Assemblies) Th+235U, Test Fuel Irradiation–testing of few fuel elements KAMINI; CIRUS; & DHRUVA, India MTR Thermal 30 kWt; 40 MWt; 100 MWt Al+233U Driver Fuel, ‘J’ rod of Th & ThO2, ‘J’ rod of ThO2 All three research reactors in operation KAPS 1 &2; KGS 1 & 2; RAPS 2, 3 & 4, India PHWR, (Pin Assemblies) 220 MW(e) ThO2 Pellets (For neutron flux flattening of initial core after start-up) Continuing in all new PHWRs FBTR, India LMFBR, (Pin Assemblies) 40 MWt ThO2 blanket In operation

(IAEA TECDOC-1450 "Thorium Fuel Cycle - Potential Benefits and Challenges", Table 1. Thorium utilization in different experimental and power reactors.[1])

