ShaReRe Creative Commons License 2010.07.22 0 0 4
Kis magyarázat a kadmium-telluride technológiáról.

Az elméleti határ mintha 20%-os hatékonyság lenne, amiből 15%-ot tartanak elképzelhetőnek a gyakorlati megvalósításban, tömeggyártásban.

"Since CdTe has the optimal band gap for single-junction devices, it may be expected that efficiencies close to exceeding 20% (such as already shown in CIS alloys) should be achievable in practical CdTe cells. Modules of 15% would then be possible."

Költség terén pedig hosszú távon a fél dollár per watt a céljuk (First Solar). Installált költség pedig másfél dollár per watt.
"Today’s CdTe module costs are about $110/m2 (normalized to a square meter). Costs are expected to reduce to $75/m2. Thus a practical, long-term (10–20 year) goal for CdTe modules resulting from combining cost and efficiency goals would be $75 per 150 watts, or about $0.5 per watt. With commodity-like margins and combined with balance-of-system (BOS) costs, installed systems near $1.5/W seem achievable."