The Times:
Jews and Arabs are extremely closely related, a new genetic survey has shown.
Wherever in the world they now live, Jewish men carry the same Y chromosome as Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese.
"Jews and Arabs are all really children of Abraham and all have preserved their Middle Eastern genetic roots over 4,000 years," said one of the scientists involved. Harry Ostrer, director of the Human Genetics Programme at New York University School of Medicine. The team analysed regions of the Y chromosome in 1,371 men from 29 populations worldwide. The Y chromosome passes largely unchanged down the male line.
The results, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, show that the difference between Jewish and Arab populations is extremely small, considerably smaller than that between North and South African populations, for example. The study confirms that both Arabs and Jews owe their genes to a common ancestor population that predated the Jewish religion.
Ugye ez sem azt állítja, hogy nincs közös gyökerű zsidó és arab nép, hanem azt hogy VAN. Ostrer kellően komoly genetikus, az NAC pedig kellően komoly folyóirat ahhoz, hogy engedelmeddel inkább nekik higyjek.