Abu Omár, az elrabolt imám az egyiptomi tiltás ellenére két interjút is adott:
Despite a ban by the Egyptian authorities on speaking to the media, Abu Omar, an Egyptian imam allegedly kidnapped by CIA agents from Italy in 2003, has given two interviews in which he repeats accusations that he was tortured while in detention. Abu Omar - whose real name is Osama Nasr Mustafa Hasan - was released earlier this month. He had disappeared in July 2003 from a Milan street and 33 Italian and US intelligence agents are accused of taking part in his abduction. The trial begins in Milan on 8 June.
Az USA nem hajlandó kiadni Olaszországnak Abu Omár CIA-s megkínzóit:
The United States will reject any request by Italy to extradite CIA agents indicted in the abduction of a Muslim cleric in Milan, a U.S. legal advisor said on Wednesday.
Earlier this month, a Milan judge ordered 26 Americans, most of them CIA agents, to stand trial with Italian spies for kidnapping an Egyptian imam Osama Mustafa Hassan in Milan in 2003 and sending him to Egypt, where he says was tortured.
Italian judge orders 26 Americans to stand trial, sets up first criminal examination of CIA ‘rendition’ programme.
An Italian judge on Friday ordered 26 Americans to stand trial for the kidnapping of an Egyptian imam, setting up the first criminal examination of the CIA's "extraordinary rendition" programme.
Italy's former military intelligence chief Nicolo Pollari and his deputy were indicted along with five other Italians in the case, Pollari's lawyer Titta Madia confirmed.
Tökös olasz bírók: vádat emeltek a CIA patkányai ellen 2007-02-16. 14:01:01
Vádat emelt pénteken egy olasz vizsgálóbíró az amerikai Központi Hírszerző Ügynökség (CIA) 26 ügynöke ellen egy volt egyiptomi imám 2003 februárjában Milánóból történt elrablása miatt - jelentette az ANSA olasz hírügynökség.
A CIA-ügynököket azzal vádolják, hogy részt vettek az emberrablásban. A bírónő június 8-ára tűzte ki a per kezdetének dátumát. Öt olasz állampolgárnak, köztük Nicolo Pollari tábornoknak, az olasz katonai hírszerzés volt főnökének ugyancsak felelnie kell az igazságszolgáltatás előtt arra, hogy milyen szerepet játszott a terrorizmussal gyanúsított imám elhurcolásában, amelyet egy CIA-kommandó hajtott végre.
Vicepremier, reprimere eventuali disordini a Vicenza
Il governo ha ritenuto violato il segreto di Stato nelle indagini sul sequestro dell'ex imam di Milano, Abu Omar. Lo ha detto Rutelli.Il vicepremier ha ricordato che l'esecutivo vuole sollevare il conflitto tra poteri dello Stato alla Consulta perche' i pm milanesi hanno 'acquisito documenti informativi' su 85 dipendenti Sismi. Sul terrorismo, Rutelli ha chiesto 'rigore, intransigenza e fermezza'. E ha chiesto di 'reprimere con fermezza' eventuali disordini nel corteo di sabato a Vicenza.
Az AP szerint Svájc is vizsgálódik az elrabolt imám és a titkos CIA börtönök ügyében:
The Swiss government on Wednesday authorized the start of criminal proceedings against those responsible for the abduction in Italy of an Egyptian Muslim preacher allegedly taken on CIA flights through Swiss airspace.
"In the view of the Federal Council, the use of Swiss airspace for an abduction cannot be tolerated," the seven-member Cabinet said in a statement. "There is evidence that basic norms of international law were violated."
Daniel Wendell, spokesman for the US Embassy in the Swiss capital, Bern, said he was aware of the decision but had no specific comment.
Senkit. Csak Berlusconit. Meg az is érdekel, hogy hányadik hsz-nél kezd el valaki Orbánozni és mikor jelenik meg geszthi, hogy a Fidesz nem határolódott el.
Egy egyiptomi imámot Milánóban elrabol a CIA. Megkínozzák. S most perli a Forza Italia fejét.
Imam wants to sue Berlusconi over CIA "kidnap"
CAIRO/ROME (Reuters) - A Muslim cleric freed from a prison in Egypt four years after being grabbed in Milan in a suspected CIA kidnapping wants to sue former Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi for damages, his lawyer said on Monday.
Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, also known as Abu Omar, has alleged that Egyptian guards tortured him with electric shocks, beatings, rape threats and genital abuse.