"An update to the status of the game:
As you all know- the project began about a year ago, and grew from there. We had a great run, and got to show it off at the IGF. After our bout, we had many conversations between publishers and interested parties, alike. Some of them have been good, and others could have been better.
In the end our list of possible publishers dwindle.
During these past few months, little has been done to push the game forward besides a new plan of attack, a more comprehensive story, and completed design document. All steps we shouldve taken in the first place, but as the saying goes, we put the "cart before the horse". Otherwise, all art, design, audio and code has been halted.
For that, I apologize to you fans. Truthfully, I/we were weary of spending 100+ hours a week on a game I know we could get funding for (I now wear glasses i didnt need before last christmas ). At this time, that route looks unlikely, and the show must go on.
The Static team is contemplating a few different approaches to make sure Static sees the light of day. Any other probable routes mentioned are welcome. Currently we are thinking of making portions of the project open source. The engine certainly needs to be "rebuilt" if its to survive more features, and level of gameplay. The storyline, the characters, the entire game itself is planned out.
We have able bodies to work on the game, with regards to art/design, audio and writing (and many people waiting, who have written in willing to help). But our programmers cant spend the plethora of time it will take to develop the new engine. The rate at which we worked before is being reexamined.
To sum up- we have decided to shake the dust from our previous work from which we were burnt out on. In the next coming weeks, we will begin the process of breathing new life into Static, and these forums. I have much to talk to everyone about, and as always, we welcome everyone's opinions. Be patient with us, as we pull ourselves together, and begin the process of building a game that will not only shake the house up a bit, but advance the industry in single player RPGs."
asszem az utolsó frissítés az oldalon ápr. 2x. (hetente ellenőrzöm). ez nem sok jót jelent... kár. sokat vártam (várok?!?) tőle. +látjuk 8(
ja, voodooval meg nem mennek a demok, hiába húztam le mind2t. úgyhogy csak a (meggyőző) screenshotokra hagyatkozhatom.
Ennek a lenyege kb. annyi hogy nem tudjak tartani a Januar 10.-i datumot. Szuksege van e team-nek meg par emberre is, meghogy ez meg nem lesz valami hosszu gáma de remelik hogy inspiralnak vele masokat erre a "mufajra"(valami ilyesmi) illetve ha minden osszejon akkor lesz ebbol valamikor egy full(azt hiszem ez meg csak valami nagyobb demo feleseg lesz amivel tulajdonkeppen bemutatkozik a csapat, megmutatjak mit tudnak stb.).
Irja hogy igaz van nemi hasonlosag a fallout es e kozott, de soha nem szandekoztak fallout 3-at kesziteni... +Valojaban par kulcs dolog ami a falloutban letezett itt most nem is talalhato meg: Perk/Traits, korokre osztott jatekmenet, mutans es radioaktivitas-tol lefingott karakterek, es egy-ket, ott fobb szerepet jatszo fegyver es pancel.
-Mit terveztek a STATIC-kal? Eladjatok a jatekot egy nagyobb kiadonak, vagy esetleg szabadon letoltheto lesz a neten?
-Terveink a STATIC-kal: Mindig azt mondjuk, fuggetlenul barmitol mindenkeppen befejezzuk(ezt a mondatot nehez volt leforditani ugyhogy meglehetosen leegyszerusitettem), koztudott hogy egyre nehezebb bekerulni a jatekiparba, sokunk most ezt egyfajta munkatapasztalat-kent kezeli. De valaszolva a kerdesedre, nyitottak vagyunk barmilyen megoldasra! Ha egy kiado sem karolja fel, valoszinunek latom hogy szabadda tesszuk a koz javara. Vegul is mi celja felepiteni egy elmenyt ha te vagy az egyetlen aki megtapasztalja azt?
Na meg ezt is. (Amiket beszurtam a static dev. site-on nincsenek am rajta es very exclusive-ok.. :)
I am an animator/artist on the project, and along with everyone else on the team, we are under a heavy deadline.
Regardless of the outcome we all hope we have created something that you guys will enjoy.
And like Bill said, we are not making Fallout 3. STATIC is a compilation of ideas from our imaginations, games that we like, and retro scifi movies.
Play it and see!!!
Joey Pruitt
Az elozot elfelejtettem:
Bill Fox
Lead Game Designer/Artist
Ugy nez ki a jatek nem turn-based lesz, +1-2 falloutban megszokott dolog is hianyozni fog[megemlitenem hogy nem egy teljes egeszeben fallout koppintas, illetve a post-apok rpg(fallout1-2) mint tema maga sem volt teljesen uj es eredeti - mar c64-en is letezett hasonlo - wasteland], valamint nem iger hosszu jatekmenetet ,es az iment emlitett Jan 10.-e sem jott be:
We will not be able to finish the game by Jan 10th. The total number of months this project has been in production is about 5, with a team of 7 part time artists, programmers, audio developers, and writers. The demo that we do develop by then will be focused on the competition, trying to convey the breadth of our ideas. The game we intend to make has never been a very long one (in gameplay hours), much to our dismay. Hopefully the product that we do create will spur others on to push the idea and bring home more of the cozy post-apocalyptic feeling! Or, if we are blessed, we will be able to develop the game in full with the financial backing and full timem effort an RPG of any quality really deserves.
To attempt to clear few other things up, I know there are many similarities to Fallout, but we never intended to create a Fallout 3. In fact, some of the key things that are in Fallout DO NOT EXIST in this game. Those things include: Perks/Traits (fantastic ideas, though), turn-based gameplay, the mutants and radiation sick characters and some of the signature weapons and armor found in the game.
This endeavor is a project that has been dancing around in our heads for a long time. We owe just as much to games like Metal Gear, Baldur's Gate, Planescape:Torment, and the like, as we do to Fallout. I wish to God a Fallout 3 were in production.
[A] What are your plans for STATIC? Are you going to sell the game to a big publisher, or maybe put it online for free download?
...But to answer your question, we are open to any option! If it doesn't get picked up, expect to see it released to the public for free. After all, whats the purpose of building an experience if your the only one that can experience it?
Ja igen, olyan jovo ev Januar 10. -e korul lehet hogy kijon a ful.
Hát igen, a 120 megás demó... Megkérem valamelyik kábelnetes vagy adsl-es haveromat. hogy húzza leg. mert nekem nemigazán fűlik a fogam ISDN-el lehozni...:(
Izgalmasan hangzik, azt leszámítva, hogy TOTÁLIS Fallout-klónnak tetszik. Meg ilyen hülyeségek, hogy elmekontroll... mindegy, engem azok a töltények ott a főlapon meggyőztek..:))