
Részletes keresés

concretebush Creative Commons License 2001.10.08 0 0 2
Hat PDB-t sztem barmelyik program tud keresni, -on talalsz 100at..
Milyen palmos verzio fut azon a siemens kutyun?

Amugy az oprendszer resze az adatbaziskezeles (PDB).. reszlet az SDK 3.5 doksibol:

The Data Manager
A traditional file system first reads all or a portion of a file into a
memory buffer from disk, using and/or updating the information
in the memory buffer, and then writes the updated memory buffer
back to disk. Because Palm OS devices have limited amounts of
dynamic RAM and use nonvolatile RAM instead of disk storage, a
traditional file system is not optimal for storing and retrieving Palm
OS user data.
Palm OS accesses and updates all information in place. This works
well because it reduces dynamic memory requirements and
eliminates the overhead of transferring the data to and from another
memory buffer involved in a file system.
As a further enhancement, data in the Palm OS device is broken
down into multiple, finite-size records that can be left scattered
throughout the memory space; thus, adding, deleting, or resizing a
record does not require moving other records around in memory.
Each record in a database is in fact a memory manager chunk. The
data manager uses memory manager functions to allocate, delete,
and resize database records.
This section explains how to use the database manager by
discussing these topics:
• Records and Databases
• Structure of a Database Header
• Using the Data Manager
Records and Databases
Databases organize related records; every record belongs to one and
only one database. A database may be a collection of all address
book entries, all datebook entries, and so on. A Palm OS application
can create, delete, open, and close databases as necessary, just as a
traditional file system can create, delete, open, and close a
traditional file. There is no restriction on where the records for a
particular database reside as long as they all reside on the same
memory card. The records from one database can be interspersed
with the records from one or more other databases in memory.
Storing data by database fits nicely with the Palm OS memory
manager design. All heaps except for the dynamic heap(s) are
nonvolatile, so database records can be stored in any heap except
the dynamic heap(s) (see “Heap Overview” in the “Memory”
chapter). Because records can be stored anywhere on the memory
card, databases can be distributed over multiple discontiguous
areas of physical RAM.


Előzmény: kabelfekteto (-)
concretebush Creative Commons License 2001.10.08 0 0 1
Sztem hivd fel a plantradingot (, hatha tudnak segiteni..
Előzmény: Ronyx (0)
Ronyx Creative Commons License 2001.10.08 0 0 0
SURGOSEN keresek Palm m100/m105 kijelzot vagy "alaplapot". Magyarul egy hibás m10X-et! Az én m100-asomnak vagy a memoriaja vagy a kijelzoje hibas (alul kb. 40 sor nem jelez semmit, illetve össze vissza, de érintésre jól érzékeny). Raszannek nemi osszeget, ha ket Palm osszeoperalasaval megjavithatnam a sajatom.

Vagy van Palm szervíz Magyarországon? Akár maszek, akár hivatalos.

Please mail:
20-987-1331 (visszahívlak)

kabelfekteto Creative Commons License 2001.10.08 0 0 topiknyitó
Tud valaki olyan prgt palm készulékre(Simbol 1700)
amivel dbf adatbazisbol lehet atadatokat lekerdezni?
Vagy hogyan lehet megoldani palmon adatbazis lekerdezest?
Előre is köszönöm a segítséget.

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!