cirbissa, te, küldd már a linket, tudod, mert így nem tudom ám berkani a képet. és nem emlékszem melyik oldalon van ez, pedig kerestem itten agyba főbe. mindegy. engesztelésként addig itt van ez, ami ugyancsak olyan kis cute, nemde?
>Björk új dalai egy része úgy született meg, hogy a zenecserélő programot felhasználva a dalokban felhsználta a Napster használók ötleteit is.
Tudtam, hogy a csirke le fogja nyúlni az ötleteimet (is).
A ezt írja:
Björk új albummal jelentkezik augusztusban! A Vespertine című album néhány dalát már hónapokkal ezelőtt le lehetett tölteni a Napsterről. Björk új dalai egy része úgy született meg, hogy a zenecserélő programot felhasználva a dalokban felhsználta a Napster használók ötleteit is.
Az első videoklip a Hidden Place című dalból készült, és június 18.-ától már látható lesz a siteon. A single auguszus 6-án jelenik mejd meg, és tartalmazza még az An Echo A Stain című dalt is.
On the basis of personality, content, functionality and creativity, has rated the 100 best celebrity websites in the world and at No.1 is the Icelandic icon of individual style, Björk. Her site is much more than a flash attempt to sell some records, it's a genuine community and features masses of information on her music including details on her forthcoming album Vespertine. There's also an online shop with exclusive T-shirts for just $19.99.
Björk albumokkal kapcsolatban szeretném feltenni kérdésemet, nevezetesen: Összesen hány Björk album jelent meg név szerint, beleértve korábbi együtteseit? (Exodus, Tappi Tikarrass, Kukl, The Selmasongs)
A minap láttam a Being John Malkovich (A John Malkovich-menet) c.filmet és az end credits alatt szólt Björk Amphibian c.száma.
Nagyon szép szám, csak sajna shit VHS volt a hordozó...
A címen a héten letölthető az 1999-es Union Chapel-ben tartott koncert a Brodsky Quartet-tel (ami úgy volt, hogy megjelenik, de mégsem). A folytatást jövő héten teszi fel barátunk. Ugyanott található a DITD zenéje, a filmben hallható track-ek.
Bjork / May 22, 2001 / New York (Riverside Church)
Talk about a holy experience! For the hundred-or-so Bjork devotees who managed to score tickets for the Icelandic vocalist's preview concert last night (May 22) at New York's Riverside Church, it was just that. Backed by a 12-person choir, harpist Zeena Parkins, and experimental electronic duo Matmos, Bjork debuted six new songs set to appear on "Vespertine," due Aug. 28 from Elektra.
The evening began on an appropriately heavenly note, as Bjork actually walked up and down the aisle while singing the sad, slow "Unravel," from 1997's "Homogenic" album. Fans sat with mouths agape, as Bjork's lyrics likely mirrored the inner monologue of those starved for a taste of her new material: "while you are away / my heart comes undone."
The sensual "Undo" was next, marked by a chill-inducing vocal display prior to the song's fade into silence. Another subdued "Homogenic" track, "All is Full of Love," followed, as the solemn setting magnified the subject's struggle to realize the title phrase. "Pagan Poetry" then began a string of five consecutive new tracks, prominently featuring Parkins on harpsichord as well a humorous call-and-response from the choir.
"Cocoon" returned to the more unusual synthesizer melodies and skittery beats of Bjork's past, as the vocalist sang of "immense beauty," "magical sensitivity," and "gorgeousness." On "Aurora," Matmos' M.C. Schmidt created the rhythm by sampling his own footsteps, dropping out of the mix in the middle of the track as Parkins plucked a resonant note from her harp.
Parkins provided the lone accompaniment to Bjork's haunting vocals on "Palmstroke," a confession of complete absorption in a companion: "I turn myself in / I give myself up / undo this privacy / and put me in my place." The set's final number, "It's Not Up to You," grafted an uplifting chorus atop bizarre synth backing, which in this setting, served as a poignant reminder that much of life is beyond our control.
In all, the performance emphasized the diversity of Bjork's songwriting, not to mention her ability to be effective in such a beautiful, delicate setting. The artist plans to stage more of this type of concert in the coming months, which may encompass a tour of opera houses. If the soul-searching new songs previewed tonight were any indication, "Vespertine" is just the album for such an undertaking.
Here is Bjork's set list:
"All is Full of Love"
"Pagan Poetry"
"It's Not Up to You"
A Musicland-ben 4000-ért van egy Björk bootleg koncert CD. Belehallgattam, nem rossz. A címére nem emlékszem már. Aki megveszi csinyáljon má' róla kópiát... a tippért cserébe :o)