Egyébként a héten bejelentettek új szereplőket is a filmhez. Úgy tűnik, hogy Organa szenátort Jimmy Smits fogja játszani ( NYPD Blue tv sorozat ).
After weeks of rumors flying around the Internet, Lucasfilm has finally, officially, announced Jimmy Smits as the most recent addition to the cast of Star Wars: Episode Two. The official Star Wars website announced earlier this morning that Smits would be taking on the role of Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan, a very important role in the Star Wars saga. In the established mythos, Organa willl adopt the unknowing Princess Leia as a means to keep her existence unknown from her father, Anakin Skywalker, who had transformed into the Sith Lord known as Darth Vader.
Casting head, Robin Gurland, is quoted on the Star Wars site regarding the addition of Smits to the cast, saying, "I'd thought of Jimmy for the role before George Lucas had even confirmed the character's appearance. Then completely independently, his agents let me know that he would love to be involved in a Star Wars project. It worked out great."
Valamint konfirmálták Christopher Lee részvételét is, őt igen sok Drakula és soft horror filmből lehet ismerni, de pl. játszik/játszani fog a Lord of the rings trilógiában is, és nem utolsósorban ő volt a gonoszember az 1974-es James Bond filmben a " The man with the golden gun" címzetűben.
Lucasfilm has officially announced that screen legend Christopher Lee has joined the cast of the currently in production Star Wars: Episode Two, this after weeks of rumors which started on the Ain't It Cool News website. Lee is said to have been cast in the role of an as yet unnamed character who is also "charismatic separatist."
On the official Star Wars website, Lee talks of joining the production, saying, "[The Star Wars
films] created a whole new era in the cinema. There's no question about that. The scale of imagination and the scale of production and the impact that it had on the entire world was a first. It created an impact in the cinema that was unique. This particular series of film will be a mythic saga on a vast scale."
Regarding working in yet another major, high profile project within a year's time, Lee says, "I've been in the film industry for 53 years, and I can remember doing very big pictures, very physically demanding pictures, very tough pictures. Big budget movies with big directors. So, I am used to working in epic pictures. I've been in many over the years. In the past, one could work extremely hard, very long hours, very demanding roles, and still have fun. It can still happen today, but 'fun' is a word you don't hear very often in the film industry these days, sadly. It's increasingly rare. One of the things that George Lucas said to me was, 'We'll have a lot fun.' And that, believe me, is very good to hear."
More specifically regrading the role he will play in the film, Lee says, "It will be more than another part. It will be another 'arrow in my quiver.' I'm looking forward to it enormously."
Earlier this year, Lee contributed his acting skills to Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings production in the role of Saruman. Given that Lee's old friend and Hammer co-star, the late Peter Cushing, appeared as Grand Moff Tarkin, Lee's casting seems even more appropriate to the Star Wars saga.
Ami még hiányzik az az, hogy a Lucasfilm konfirmálja, vagy oszlassa szét azokat a híreket, amelyek ugyancsak néhány hete reppentek fel Gabriel Byrne részvételét illetően.
Ezzel kapcsolatban az az érdekes, hogy Jimmi Smits és Christopher Lee neve is felröppent már és arra sem reagálták, de most bejelentették részvételüket.
Azért nem lenne rossz, ha Gabriel Byrne is benne lenne e filmben.
A number of weeks ago, rumblings of this casting broke on the Coming Attractions website. Now, I guess it's time for Lucasfilm to say something about Gabriel Byrne… if that rumor is the real deal.