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Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.04.02 0 0 1750

A Sunday Bloody Sunday egy U2 feldolgozás, de tulajdonképpen már a U2 (Bono) is feldolgozott egy The Edge számot.

Előzmény: MrsBennet (1749)
MrsBennet Creative Commons License 2012.04.02 0 0 1749

Köszi a videót.

Ez a Sunday Bloody Sunday nekem új.

Egyébként nagyon tetszik az új lemez, különösen kedvelem a Sunshine-t és a Better than a dream-et.

Előzmény: Patreides (1748)
Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.04.02 0 0 1748

Katie elég jól viseli a riporter szerencsétlenkedését. :)



2012.03.13. Brüsszel

- The closest thing to crazy
- Better than a dream
- Spider's web
- Forgetting all my troubles
- Lucy in the sky with diamonds
- The Cry of The Lone Wolf
- Moonshine
- Sunday Bloody Sunday
- Nine Million Bicycles

Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.04.01 0 0 1747

MrsBennet Creative Commons License 2012.03.17 0 0 1746

Ez annyira jellemző, hogy a voice of germany duettjét mindenhonnan letiltották. :(

Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.03.10 0 0 1745

Katie Melua: There's no difference between becoming famous and a hot bubble bath (TEDxTbilisi)

Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.03.10 0 0 1744


Published on March 9th, 2012



Katie Melua’s new album “Secret Symphony” is out, and making an impression all over Europe – the initial territories we are concentrating on. It’s a happy album, and doesn’t try to be edgy  for edgy’s sake. See below my thoughts on the fact that – despite many great critiques, some critics haven’t understood…

What is it with reviewers? One guy, who, reviewing the live concert after Katie’s “House” album said
“The House itself and The Flood (are) signposts to a troubled soul, together with other dark echoes, particularly on Twisted. Nobody could regard Katie Melua as bland any more”. This time around, the same reviewer bemoans the lighter and happier tone of Secret Symphony, saying that, on the previous album she had ““showed an artist finally flowering and channeling that imperious voice into dark but enchanting songs” but concluding that she has returned, on this opus , to blandness.

If he was reviewing chocolate or wine, I can see that his taste for darkness might be relevant. Katie has been through dark times. When I first met her the first 3 songs she played me had 3 deaths, a rape and a pregnant suicide bomber between n them. She was 18 years old. Now, – about to be married, and having survived a nasty breakdown involving hospitalization, she has come out into the light and is singing happy songs, albeit not predominantly as a songwriter (except for the enchanting “Forgetting All My Troubles” solely by her and two songs co written with me) – and I’ve never seen her happier both with her music and her life. I feel like crying with happiness for her.

Our reviewer likes her when she’s “dark”. What is he, an ambulance chaser? If the black dog is in the room, the art will be great? Is that the premise of this unpleasant jubilation in the outpouring of “darkness”? Why do critics think they can legitimately expect artists to “grow” towards their own (the journalist’s) tastes? Why can’t Katie decide to make an album which doesn’t put on her the heavy, difficult burden of authorship, (following in the footsteps of Dusty Springfield, Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Aretha Franklin) – but allows her to sing – something she does better than anyone I know. I know stuff that the press don’t know, so I feel It more strongly than they would, but I have also worked with some of the world’s greatest singers. She is better than, or as good as, the best of any of those I’ve worked with over 40 years. Katie isn’t doing an impression of a retro American blues artist – unlike the odious Amy Winehouse (who hated Katie) , the delightful and brilliant Adele or the redneck-American-accented Elton John, who writes fabulous tunes but has never written a lyric in his life. Nice bloke, brilliant performer- give me an hour on that subject.

She said, in a moment of weakness in a recent doco-style promo film, that on this album, she wanted to “sing her heart out”. One reviewer took issue, said she doesn’t. You know, you don’t have to be singing the big note on “The Flood” or the first line of “Set Fire To The Rain” to be singing your heart out. You can do it quietly. Listen carefully to Katie in concert, singing “Lilac Wine” or on this album, singing “Gold In Them Hills” or “The Cry Of The Lone Wolf”. Don’t tell me she isn’t singing her heart out.

Thanks, however to those who HAVE seen the glory in Katie’s new opus, starting with the Sunday Express reviewer who gave 5 stars and said she is “reassuring her fans that an artist who has had her fair share of problems in the last few years is right back on track”.

Early entries into midweek charts all over Europe (which may change for better or worse next week) show her as top five in Germany, France, Holland, Poland, and top ten in UK . That’s an astonishing showing for week one, fifth album, on an indie label. What it means is that she is loved. And she is.

If you are a doubter, I understand. But go and see her live –like I saw her touring the States 4 years ago with just her own guitar, doing a 90 minute set for 500 mid-Americans a night, – who normally couldn’t give a shit. You could have heard a pin drop, and NOBODY bought a drink, even in a mid-West cowboy bar, until her final, gorgeous and unique note. She is stupendous. Quiet, strong, centered, magical, and totally riveting.

Forgive my passion. I got lucky when I met her. Some say it was mutual. Maybe it was. I’m not talking about me. I’m talking about her.

(Mike Batt -

Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.03.08 0 0 1743

Katie Melua - Moonshine (live, 2012.03.07)

Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.03.08 0 0 1742


Katie Melua: I was addicted to career  

Thursday, 8 March 2012


Katie Melua believes her "addiction" to life as a pop star lead to her nervous breakdown.

The Closest Thing to Crazy singer was forced to postpone her 2010 tour and stopped working for a few months after the breakdown.

The 27-year-old has opened up about the incident saying she was working so hard that her "body just wouldn't function anymore".

"I didn't see any sign of overdoing things," she told German newspaper Die Zeit.

"The job of a pop star can be very addictive, especially when you're young: first of all it's very exciting, and secondly you can get paid incredibly well, if you're lucky. You don't think about holidays at that point, so you work till destruction."

The starlet, who came into the pop business at age 18, said she "didn't realise anything at that time" as the concept of overworking "sounded strange".

She added her parents were very worried about her for while after she was hospitalised for six weeks.

"My parents were shocked. I had to calm them down for a long time," she said.

While being a pop star is hard work, Katie said the toughest part about the music industry is "the loneliness". She felt very alone while she was touring.

"Sure, I do sleep in luxury hotels most of the time - but always alone," she said.

"An empty suite is pointless. And you have this overly enacted communication: as a public figure you always have contact with someone - but you never know if they really like you or just think you are important. Too much kindness encourages self-doubt and this ends in insecurity."

However, she won't be quitting her career any time soon as she wants to ensure she can always look after her family. Katie has been supporting her loved ones since they came from Georgia to England.

"Georgia is a very poor country, many of my relatives still live there. They all count on me. I have to keep on going for a long time," she said.

Her fifth studio album Secret Symphony is out now.

Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.03.05 0 0 1741
Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.03.05 0 0 1740



Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.03.01 0 0 1739

27th February 2012 


Hey all!


Just a little note to say how excited I am about the release of Secret Symphony next Monday!

I'm writing this from Germany today, having a crazy week here as well as going to France and Belgium. Had a nice weekend off, I spent it with my mate Polly, we had a lot of gossip to catch up on. 

Last week, as well as going to The Brits, I also got to open a proper old fashioned music store in Amsterdam, the Dutch are still buying records as opposed to downloading, yay!

Hope you are enjoying the new look website. And don’t forget to check out the facebook page as that gets updated with all the news, however small.


That's all for now,

Lots of love


Katie x


(Katie's Blog)

Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.02.27 0 0 1738


Katie vid "THE BIT THAT I DON'T GET" - from new album

out on Monday - should rename it "THE BRIT THAT I WON'T GET!"  




Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.02.26 0 0 1737

Katie Melua a holland Tros Rádióban (audio, 2012.02.24.)


Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.02.26 0 0 1736
Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.02.19 0 0 1735


"'I look at Amy or Whitney and think, that could have been me'


She was pop’s golden girl before a breakdown forced her to re-evaluate her life. Katie Melua talks about the pressures of fame.


'It feels good to read about yourself. That’s why stars have egos, because we start to believe the hype,' says Katie Melua (Photo: PAUL GROVER)

By Cole Moreton -

7:30AM GMT 19 Feb 2012


Fame can kill young women like Katie Melua, and she knows it. “There is a loneliness at the centre of it all, a sense of isolation,” says the singer, who became famous at the age of 19. “You can’t cope, but you can’t say so because the life is what you always wanted.”

Katie became a national sweetheart and sold millions of records as the girl with the big eyes and ringlets who sang jazzy ballads such as Nine Million Bicycles and The Closest Thing to Crazy in a warm, husky voice. Then came a sudden personal crisis two years ago, that led to Melua being briefly hospitalised. “I had a breakdown and I had to drop out for a while.”

Now she is about to release a comeback album called Secret Symphony and looks healthy and happy at her flat in west London. But Melua knows the stakes are high. Last week, the father of the late Amy Winehouse picked up a posthumous Grammy for his daughter, who was once at the same performing arts school as Melua. “She was a troubled soul.”

And on the other side of the Atlantic, as we speak, the family of Whitney Houston is in mourning. “It’s really sad. Whitney had a magnificent voice. I keep hearing people say they’re not surprised by her death, and I’m not either. When you consider the pressure she was under, and add in the drugs, something terrible is going to happen.”

If anyone understands those pressures it is Melua, who became a star in 2003 at the same young age as Houston had. Within three years, she was Britain’s biggest-selling female artist.

She hasn’t talked about this publicly before, apart from saying a year ago: “I’ve had a bit of a breakdown and been very unwell… the fact is, I just couldn’t go on any longer. I knew there was something seriously wrong because I was just sitting in a chair staring into space.”

Why did she even say that? “I was drunk at a party. I got approached by a journalist. She kind of put the words in my mouth. She said: 'I hear you had a breakdown.’ And I went: 'A bit of’. Then that got written about.”

Is it not true? “Well no, it is true. That is what happened. I never spoke about the symptoms, because it’s between you and your doctor.”

Melua does call it “the breakdown” and says she did not work for six months, but what was the trigger? “The amount of travelling I was doing was a pressure I put on myself. I had just made my first album without Mike and I wanted it to do very well, so I pushed myself. I had a tour coming up but I still went to America and hopped around the world doing promotion. That was crazy. Then, when it’s not working, you can’t go: 'No, it’s too knackering.’ You’ve got the dream job and people expect things of you.”

Stressed out and exhausted, she felt responsible for a lot of people’s livelihoods, unable to switch off and, crucially, unable to admit she was in trouble. “All those bits of tension mount up. Then there’s the thing about how you should be happy because you are doing the thing you love. It seems bizarre to people that you’re not constantly happy.”

It would be easy to listen to this young, beautiful, talented and wealthy woman talk about the pressures of fame and think: “Try being out of work or raising a family on a wage that doesn’t cover the bills.” And to be fair, she would agree. Melua was born in the former Soviet republic of Georgia, where bread meant long queues and water had to be carried in a bucket up four flights of stairs to the family flat. Many of her relatives are still there, but Melua came to Britain at the age of eight when her father, a heart surgeon, got a job in Belfast.

“We had ideas about what moving to the West would be like from Hollywood films, in which all the houses had little white, picket fences. When we saw the houses it was a bit of a shock. We were staying in accommodation for the hospital workers and it was like a Soviet block.”

As a child, she was only aware of the Troubles “as part of the atmosphere. But life was better for us. I was able to have a hot bath. The electricity stayed on. The school didn’t shut down in winter. Those things made it magical.”

The family moved to Surrey before Melua won a place at the Brit School of the performing arts in Croydon. She was there when Batt – best known for creating The Wombles – came looking for a young woman who could perform like the late Eva Cassidy. He created a relaxed musical style for her that appealed to the huge Radio 2 audience.

“I remember the phone call when the album got to the top of the charts. You expect balloons and fireworks, but I was just in the kitchen in Redhill with my mum. She was like, 'Yay.’ Then we continued to have breakfast.”

Her first three albums were a huge success for Batt’s label, Dramatico, but she was now at the centre of a Katie Melua industry. “That sounds horrific. You try not to think about it while creating the music. You can’t think of yourself as a money machine.”

Other people did think that way, particularly when she went back to Georgia. “I try to help, but the best thing is to say you don’t have as much money as people think you do. That is true.” The figure I’ve read is £12 million. “I know. The papers exaggerate it.” How much is she worth? More than a million? “Yeah, but I’m not telling you.”

She’s a smart woman, as the mathematician Simon Singh found out when he questioned the accuracy of her song, Nine Million Bicycles. Singh disputed the claim that we are: “12 billion miles from the edge. That’s a guess.” She popped up on Radio 4 with a new verse, incorporating his numbers: “We are 13.7 billion light years from the edge of the observable universe. That’s a good estimate, with well-defined error bars… ”

She can laugh at herself, then. So it is surprising that one early pressure came from believing the hype about herself. “Can it be resisted? To tell the truth, it feels good. That’s why stars have egos: because we start to believe it. The praise is magnified – but if anything happens like a bad review, then that is magnified too, and it is a big blow.”

Melua began to feel vulnerable on stage. “You’re not risking your life but sometimes it feels like you are, when you walk on and there are thousands of people staring at you. Fear kicks in.”

While all this was going on in her head, Melua was being seen as the yin to the yang of the feisty Winehouse, who was once astonishingly rude about her on TV. Asked if they could work together, she snarled: “I’d rather have cat Aids.”

The audience laughter showed how much Melua’s wholesome image had become divorced from any sense of her as a real person.

“She was mean about me, very mean,” says Melua, quietly. “I was shocked when she died because she was so young, but I wasn’t completely surprised. Maybe the person ends up believing the story that is being told about them.”

The question that all outsiders ask is, why do stars with so many blessings end up taking drugs as well? “I am only guessing, because I don’t do that, but I think maybe they’re trying to get some kind of feeling back. There is a numbness that takes over. You start to get insecure about why people are with you.”

Does she look at Winehouse and Houston and think it could have been her? “About the drugs, I do think that. I thank God for the people I am surrounded by and how close I am to my family. I’m sure they were both talented people and it could happen to anyone. Who knows – touch wood – where my life is going to take me.”

Up the aisle, is one answer. In September, she will marry World Superbike champion James Toseland. Melua used to distract herself with dangerous sports such as skydiving – and performed the world’s deepest underwater concert in an oil rig 303 metres under the sea – but ironically, loving a danger man seems to have calmed her down.

“My fiancé used to ride motorcycles at 250mph. That’s a pressurised job. He finds it amazing that I get as focused about my work.” Does he say: “Come on love, it’s only singing?” She laughs. “He’s not condescending, but he does say something like that. It’s so refreshing to hear.”

On the new record, Melua returns to the sound that made her famous. Mike Batt wrote many of the songs, with contributions from Fran Healy and Ron Sexsmith. The one song she wrote is called Forgetting All My Troubles.

“I wanted to make quite an effortless record,” she says. “The last album was quite a challenge and there was a lot of soul-searching. This time, I just wanted to sing.”

She will tour in October but then rest. “I will take a few months off. Maybe make a family, although nothing is planned. I’m going to do things differently from now on.” "


Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.02.17 0 0 1734

Mondjuk nem Steve Wright volt, csak az ő műsora...


* * *


Közeledik az új album megjelenése, Katie végre rászánta magát egy pár sor megírására a blogjába.

Mert nagyon kötelességtudó hölgy.


Finally a new one!

Blog - February 17th 2012

Hello everyone! Just thought I'd send a little message prior to the release of Secret Symphony.

I'm just back from Berlin, writing this in the taxi on the way to home. The last few days have been so amazing! I attended and performed at the Cinema For Peace Gala. I was also on the jury for the Green Film Award.

As a result I got to see some incredible films like 'Dolphin Boy', 'Up In Smoke' and 'Burning In The Sun'. The latter ended up winning the award. I'd highly recommend checking these films out. It was also an honour to meet Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. What a great couple, and Angelina said some very sweet things about my performance. I sang 'Walk Lightly On The World' and I congratulated her on the award for her film about the Bosnian war, 'The Land Of Blood And Honey'. I am very keen to see that one too.

At dinner I got to sit next to Michelle Yeoh who played the lead in 'The Lady' which is about Aung San Suu Kyi the Burmese opposition leader. That is a truly inspiring film about love as well as the fight for justice. I'm off to Poland next. Looking forward to it very much! Then Paris and before I know it Secret Symphony will be out and you'll all get to hear it. I was delighted with how the album launch at Ronnie Scott’s went, everyone at the club was very kind and so welcoming.

All the best for now.

Katie x

Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.02.15 0 0 1733

BBC Radio 2, 2012.02.14., Valentin-napi csevely Steve Wright műsorban, aki emellett lejátszott két KM dalt is (The Flood, Better Than a Dream)

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Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.02.13 0 0 1731

Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.02.13 0 0 1730

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Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.02.13 0 0 1727

19th Nervous Breakdown -
A Happy Place -
A Moment of Madness -
All Over The World -
Angie -
Belfast (Penguins and Cats) -
Better Than A Dream -
Blame It on the Moon -
Blowing in the Wind -
Blues in the Night -
Call Off the Search -
Chemo Tsitsinatela (ჩემო ციცინათელა) -
Coconut -
Crawling Up a Hill -
Crazy Little Thing Called Love -
Dirty Dice -
Fairytale of New York (feat. the Pogues) -
Fancy -
Faraway Voice -
Forgetting All My Troubles -
Ghost Town -
God on the Drums, Devil on the Bass -
Gold In Them Hills -
Going Up The Country -
Halfway Up the Hindu Kush -
Hanging Round Here (You Don't Love Me) -
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas -
Heartbreak Hotel -
I Cried for You -
I Shot the Sheriff -
I Think It's Going to Rain Today -
I'd Love to Kill You -
If the Lights Go Out -
If You Were a Sailboat -
Imagine -
Germany Before The War -
In My Secret Life -
It's Only Pain -
Just Like Heaven -
Kozmic Blues -
Lilac Wine -
Love Cats -
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds -
Mary Pickford -
Mockingbird Song -
Moon River -
My Aphrodisiac Is You -
Nine Million Bicycles -
No Fear of Heights -
On the Road Again -
Perfect Circle -
Piece by Piece -
Plague of Love -
Q'viteli Potlebi - 'Yellow Leaves' -
Red Balloons -
Scary Films -
Shy Boy -
Somewhere Over the Rainbow -
Song of the Sun - Aqac me var -
Spellbound -
Spider's Web -
Sunday Bloody Sunday -
White Cliffs of Dover + Stardust -
Thank You, Stars -
The Closest Thing to Crazy -
The Flood -
The House -
The One I Love Is Gone -
Tiny Alien -
Too Much Love Will Kill You -
Toy Collection -
Twisted -
Two Bare Feet -
Walk Lightly on the Worlds -
What a Wonderful World -
What I Miss About You -
When You Taught Me How to Dance -

Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.02.13 0 0 1726

Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.02.13 0 0 1725

Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.02.13 0 0 1724

Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.02.10 0 0 1723

Katie Melua ma este a The Voice of Germany tehetségkutató műsor döntőjében lépett fel, duettet énekelt az egyik döntőssel. A Nine Million Bicycles volt a dal, konkrétan. Nerina Pallot pedig (aki mint co-coach tevékenykedett a műsorban) élőben tudósított erről a twitteren. :)



So.... The Final of The Voice of Germany has begun.
C'mon Team Rea and Michael Schulte!! #voiceofgermany

German Friendz, please do me a favour if you're watching
The Voice tonight and vote for Michael Schulte.

I've spent the last five months working with him and
he's amazingly talented. Danke my lovelies. X

Oh God. I'm watching 9 million bicycles at The voice.
God I fucking love this song. I salute you @Mike_Batt

    @ladychatterley Oh dear god no. It's a horrible song!!

    @ladychatterley Thanks for the salutations. You can
    even follow me if you want! Seiously - thanks 4 coments.
    So is KM on the Voice now?

@Mike_Batt I already do. Yes, she just sang. Beautiful.
8 piece live string section btw. Just gorgeous. x

    @ladychatterley It didn't work as a duet though, did
    it? (And I thought you didn't like Katie btw?!).

    @ladychatterley Agreed, that's the whole reason I bought
    Piece By Piece. Maybe that's one to cover in a webcast...

@NirinaXX danke meine Liebste! X

@TweeterofWit it's a bit of a marmite one, I realise, but
I just love it so much. Amazing melody to my ears.

Worra night. One of my gave songs live, and All Bets are Off
just got played on Corrie. #candiehappynow
I meant Fave. Bloody auto correct mixed with White wine and
live TV excitement.

   @ladychatterley I can never get over the first time I heard
   it and mid-heard bicycles for bisexuals. And thought, what,

@TweeterofWit AAAARGH. That is the most fantastic misheard
lyric EVER!


Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.02.09 0 0 1722
Patreides Creative Commons License 2012.02.09 0 0 1721

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!