
Részletes keresés

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.08.04 0 0 419
bocs, nem tartozik ide, de ez annyira jo, h muszaj megosztanom veletek:


It is with disbelief that dotmusic finds itself sitting down to review a third single from The Cheeky Girls - surely this shouldn't be happening? Fair enough, the Transylvanian twins released a novelty single after Pop Idol propelled them to 'fame', but eight months on, their sell-by-date has well and truly expired.

Regardless of that fact, Monica and Gabriela are taking another stab at chart-success with their contribution to the summer. Having taken the Boney-M classic as their starting point, the gruesome twosome butcher the song and add their, ahem, 'unique' touch (and a misplaced vocoder) to entice us into their 'cheeky holiday'.

Quite frankly, two weeks at Camp X-ray would be a more attractive option. Let's hope this is the last we hear of them.

sztem szenzacios a cikk:)))

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.08.03 0 0 418
na mondjuk ezért kár volt növelni a hozzászólások számát, de azért köszönjük a részvételt...
Előzmény: supremacy (417)
supremacy Creative Commons License 2003.08.02 0 0 417
Nem mindegy, öcsi? Öreg már, és annyi esze van, hogy Justin mittudoménkit hallgat, meg a Madonnát tekinti példaképének. Pont, mint te.
Előzmény: MerBoy (414)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.08.01 0 0 416
massive attack-dissolved girl

Shame, such a shame
I think I kind of lost myself again
Day, yesterday
Really should be leaving but I stay

Say, say my name
I need a little love to ease the pain
I need a little love to ease the pain
It's easy to remember when it came

'Cause it feels like I've been
I've been here before
You are not my savior
But I still don't go

Feels like something
That I've done before
I could fake it
But I still want more

Fade, made to fade
Passion's overrated anyway
Say, say my name
I need a little love to ease the pain
I need a little love to ease the pain
It's easy to remember when it came

'Cause it feels like I've been
I've been here before
You are not my savior
But I still don't go, oh

I feel live something
That I've done before
I could fake it
But I still want more, oh.

Colin Farrell Creative Commons License 2003.08.01 0 0 415
tegnap megvettem a GIRL c albumot
azota azt hallgatom, nekem nagyon tetszik
a valtozatossag kedveert neha be-becsusszan az ALL I WANNA DO maxija is a lejatszomba

tok vidam kis bulizos zene, ez kell nekem most igy nyar kozepen

MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.08.01 0 0 414
Nekem meg az, hogy nem tudsz számolni, 32 éves Dannii...
Előzmény: David Hasslehoff (413)
David Hasslehoff Creative Commons License 2003.08.01 0 0 413
Ebből számomra a következő derült ki: ez síkhülye! Megtestesíti a 14 éves ideált.... 36 évesen.

ui.: Majdnem magam alá hugyoztam a röhögéstől.

Előzmény: MerBoy (393)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.07.31 0 0 412
na kb pont egy ilyen női beszélgetőtársra számítottam volna pénteken...

szimpatikus, hogy éppen a kraftwerk electric café-ját említi egyik meghatározó zenei élményeként- 9 évesen nekem is megvolt bakeliten és imádtam azt a lemezt

ha valaki látja CD-n, gondoljon rám:)))

Előzmény: MerBoy (402)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.07.31 0 0 411
hogy én mennyire imádom ezt a számot
Előzmény: MerBoy (409)
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.07.31 0 0 410
Az egyik kedvenc Garbage számom (Version 2.0-ról)

Wicked ways

I tried hard to mend my wicked ways
Acted like a lunatic for years
Lord knows I try to be good
I'd keep my promises if only I could
You count your blessings that I can't rely on you

And I tried
And I tried
And I tried
And I tried

Clutch your pictures of the pope
Pray to god for love and hope
Bring the virgin home for luck
Bolt the door down, keep it shut

I've done things I never thought I'd do
Sure it helps to lose myself in you
A little time and I'll be all right
C'mon sugar let's go out tonight
Forgive your trespasses
And all that we've been through

And I tried
And I tried
And I tried
And I tried
And I tried
And I tried
And I tried
And I tried
Clutch your pictures of the pope
Pray to god for love and hope
Bring the virgin home for luck
Bolt the door down, keep it shut

That sinking feeling
When you are leaving
All I believed in
Walks out my door

I tried hard to mend my wicked ways
The damage's done
There's nothing left to save

And I tried
And I tried
And I tried
And I tried
And I tried
And I tried
And I tried

Clutch your pictures of the pope
( Just like I told you )
Pray to god for love and hope
( Just like I warned you )
Bring the virgin home for luck
( Just like I told you )
Bolt the door down, keep it shut
( Just like I warned you )

MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.07.31 0 0 409

You and me we're cut from the same cloth
It seems to some we famously get along
But you and me are strangers to each other
Cuz you and me:competitive to the bone

Such tragedy to trample on each other with how much we've endured
With the state this land is in

You and me feel joined by only gender
We are not all for one and one for all

Sister blister we fight to please the brothers
We think their acceptance is how we win
They're happy we're climbing over each other
To beg the club of boys to let us in

You and me estranged from the mother
You and me have felt impotent in our skin
You and me have taken it out on each other
You and me disloyal to the feminine

Such a pity to disavow each other with how far we've come
With how strong we've been

You and me are on this pendulum together
You and me with scarcity still fueling

Sister blister we fight to please the brothers
We think their acceptance is how we win
They're happy we're climbing over each other
To beg the club of boys to let us in

We may not have priorities same
We may not even like each other
We may not be hugely anti-men
But such a cost to dishonor a sister

You and me have made it harder for the other
We forget how hard separatism has been
You and me we can help change their minds together
You and me in alignment until the end

Sister blister we fight to please the brothers
We think their acceptance is how we win
They're happy we're climbing over each other
To beg the club of boys to let us in

MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.07.31 0 0 408

A missile sent today
Killed only 3
The rest were saved
They're far enough away to not really feel the direct effect on me

They caught him today
Based ridiculously
On his race
They weren't sure
He even did it
But they needed a random face

All these symptoms symptoms are simpler cuz
I've had moments in my life when I've contributed by believing
We are separate
We are separate
Disconnected in this unity

He won today
Smug self-satisfaction
On his face
He blew the others
Out of the water
He said and was glad
They were disgraced

All these symptoms symptoms are simpler cuz
I've had moments in my life when I've contributed by believing
We are separate
We are separate
Disconnected in this unity

He stole what he could
He only had minutes before he'd be caught
He justified every penny taken by blaming the gap between the rich and rich not

All these symptoms symptoms are simpler cuz
I've had moments in my life when I've contributed by believing
We are separate
We are separate
Disconnected in this unity
Separate we are separate
Disconnected in this unity

MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.07.31 0 0 407
Sorry To Myself

For hearing all my doubts so selectively and
For continuing my numbing love endlessly.
For helping you and myself: not even considering
For beating myself up and overfunctioning.

To whom do I owe the biggest apology?
No one’s been crueler than I’ve been to me.

For letting you decide if I indeed was desirable
For myself love being so embarassingly conditional.
And for denying myself to somehow make us compatible
and for trying to fit a rectangle into a ball.

To whom do I owe the biggest apology?
No one’s been crueler than I’ve been to me.

I'm sorry to myself.
My apologies begin here before everybody else.
I'm sorry to myself.
For treating me worse than I would anybody else.

For blaming myself for your unhappiness
and for my impatience when I was perfect where I was.
Ignoring all the signs that I was not ready,
and expecting myself to be where you wanted me to be.

To whom do I owe the first apology?
No one’s been crueler than I’ve been to me.

I’m sorry to myself.
My apologies begin here before everybody else.
I’m sorry to myself.
For treating me worse than I would anybody else.

Well, I wonder which crime is the biggest ?
Forgetting you or forgetting myself...
Had I heeded the wisdom of the latter,
I would’ve naturally loved the former.

For ignoring you: my highest voices.
For smiling when my strife was all too obvious.
For being so disassociated from my body,
and for not letting go when it would’ve been the kindest thing.

To whom do I owe the biggest apology?
No one’s been crueler than I’ve been to me.

I’m sorry to myself.
My apologies begin here before everybody else
I’m sorry to myself.
For treating me worse than I would anybody else.
I’m sorry to myself.
My apologies begin here before everybody else
I’m sorry to myself.
For treating me worse than I would anybody else.

MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.07.31 0 0 406
Simple together

You've been my golden best friend
Now with post-demise at hand
Can't go to you for consolation
'Cause we're off limits during this transition

This grief overwhelms me
It burns in my stomach
And I can't stop bumping into things

I thought we'd be simple together
I thought we'd be happy together
Thought we'd be limitless together
I thought we'd be precious together
But I was sadly mistaken

You've been my soulmate and then some
I remembered you the moment i met you
With you I knew god's face was handsome
With you I saw fun and expansion

This loss is numbing me
It pierces my chest
And I can't stop dropping everything

I thought we'd be sexy together
Thought we'd be evolving together
I thought we'd have children together
I thought we'd be family together
But I was sadly mistaken

If I had a bill for all the philosophies I shared
If I had a penny for all the possibilities I presented
If I had a dime for every hand thrown up in the air
My wealth would render this no less severe

I thought we'd be genius together
I thought we'd be healing together
I thought we'd be growing together
Thought we'd be adventurous togheter
But I was sadly mistaken

Thought we'd be exploring together
Thought we'd be inspired together
I thought we'd be flying together
Thought we'd be on fire together
But I was sadly mistaken

MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.07.31 0 0 405
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.07.31 0 0 404
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.07.31 0 0 403
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.07.31 0 0 402
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.07.31 0 0 401
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.07.31 0 0 400
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.07.31 0 0 399
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.07.31 0 0 398
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.07.30 0 0 397

AM-You Owe Me Nothing In Return

I'll give you countless amounts of outright acceptance if you want it
I will give you encouragement to choose the path that you want if you need it
You can speak of anger and doubts your fears and freak outs and I'll hold it
You can share your so-called shame filled accounts of times in your life and I won't judge it
(and there are no strings attached to it)

You owe me nothing for giving the love that I give
You owe me nothing for caring the way that I have
I give you thanks for receiving it's my privilege
And you owe me nothing in return

You can ask for space for yourself and only yourself and I'll grant it
You can ask for freedom as well or time to travel and you'll have it
You can ask to live by yourself or love someone else and I'll support it
You can ask for anything you want anything at all and I'll understand it
(and there are no strings attached to it)

You owe me nothing for giving the love that I give
You owe me nothing for caring the way that I have
I give you thanks for receiving it's my privilege
And you owe me nothing in return

I bet you're wondering when the next payback shoe will eventually drop
I bet you're wondering when my conditional police will force you to cough up
I bet wonder how far you have now danced you way back into debt
This is the only kind of love as I understand it that there really is

You can express your deepest of truths even if it means I'll lose you and I'll hear it
You can fall into the abyss on your way to your bliss I'll empathize with
You can say that you have to skip town to chase your passion I'll hear it
You can even hit rock bottom have a mid-life crisis and I'll hold it
(and there are no strings attached)

You owe me nothing for giving the love that I give
You owe me nothing for caring the way that I have
I give you thanks for receiving it's my privilege
And you owe me nothing in return

MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.07.30 0 0 396
Alanis Morissette - "So Unsexy"

Oh these little rejections how they add up quickly
One small sideways look and I feel so ungood
Somewhere along the way I think I gave you the power to make
Me feel the way I thought only my father could

Oh these little rejections how they seem so real to me
One forgotten birthday I'm all but cooked
How these little abandonments seem to sting so easily
I'm 13 again am I 13 for good?

I can feel so unsexy for someone so beautiful
So unloved for someone so fine
I can feel so boring for someone so interesting
So ignorant for someone of sound mind

Oh these little protections how they fail to serve me
One forgotten phone call and I'm deflated
Oh these little defenses how they fail to comfort me
Your hand pulling away and I'm devastated

When will you stop leaving baby?
When will I stop deserting baby?
When will I start staying with myself?

Oh these little projections how they keep springing from me
I jump my ship as I take it personally
Oh these little rejections how they disappear quickly
The moment I decide not to abandon me

MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.07.30 0 0 395
Egy újabb gyönyörű, ámde szomorú darab... :(
Előzmény: judelaw (394)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.07.30 0 0 394

ALANIS MORISSETTE-That Particular Time

my foundation was rocked my tried and true way to deal was to vanish
my departures were old I stood in the room shaking in my boots
at that particular time love had challenged me to stay
at that particular moment I knew not run away again
that particular month I was ready to investigate with you
at that particular time

we thought a break would be good for four months we sat and vacillated
we thought a small time apart would clear up the doubts that were abounding
at that particular time love encouraged me to wait
at that particular moment it helped me to be patient
that particular month we needed time to marinate in what "us" meant

I've always wanted for you what you've wanted for yourself
and yet I wanted to save us high water or hell
and I kept on ignoring the ambivalence you felt
and in the meantime I lost myself
in the meantime I lost myself
I'm sorry I lost myselfˇ-.i am

you knew you needed more time time spent alone with no distraction
you felt you needed to fly solo and high to define what you wanted
at that particular love encouraged me to leave
at that particular moment I knew staying with you meant deserting me
that particular month was harder than you'd believe but I still left
at that particular time

MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.07.29 0 0 393
Full Name:
Danielle Jane Minogue.

Danstar & Dingo!

Hair Colour:

Eye Colour:

Shoe Size:


Date of Birth:
20th October 1971.

Star sign:

Place of Birth:
Melbourne, Australia.

Favourite Colour:
The rainbow.

Favourite Artist:
Justin Timberlake.

Favourite Song:
'Brown Skin' by India.Arie and ‘Move Your Feet’ by Junior Senior.

Favourite Album:
'Beachlife' compilation. Its full of chilled dance tunes and reminds me of summer Ibiza.

Favourite New Album
Tokyo - The Sex, The City, The Music.

What's in ya walkman?:
Missy Elliot - Gossip Folks (Fatboy Slim Remix)
Justin Timberlake - Justified.

Favourite book:
'Down Under' by Bill Bryson.

Favourite Dance Tune:
Shiny Disco Balls.

Favourite Film:
Serious: La Vita Bella (Life Is Beautiful)

Funny: Dumb and Dumber
Spectacular: Wizard of Oz

Favourite New Film:
The Hours. I watched it on the plane coming back to the UK from Japan. It was so beautiful I wept at the end of it!

Favourite Meal:
Japanese food.

Favourite Drink:
Lychee Martini.

Favourite Smell:
Vanilla & Starbucks coffee.

Favorite TV show:
24. I am waiting for the DVD to see the latest series. I'm also addicted
to Cold Feet and have just started getting into Footballers Wives - love it!

Favourite actor:
Sarah Jessica Parker (Sex and the City).

Favouite sport:
F1 racing.

Favourite country/city:
I love catching up with family and friends in Oz.

Favourite clothes store:
High Street - Topshop.
Designer Label - Gharani Strok.

Favourite Designer:
Loving Givenchy dresses, Channel accessories, Boyd tops and DKNY dresses and
vintage looking shoes

Favourite Clothing:
I am wearing lots of Chanel at the moment! Boyd sparkle dresses for next winter. Jil Sander bondage looking pants and Victoria Fox lime green suede heels.

Person most like to meet:
Jackie Chan!

Most memorable moment:
Madonna heard the bootleg of my new single Don't Wanna Lose This Feeling and says she loves it and has let us release it on the single! I have been a fan of hers since I was about 13 years old - so I can't believe my luck.

3 unusual Dannii facts:
1. My mobile phone message is by Alesha from Mis-Teeq!
2. My answer phone message is THE Basil Brush!
3. I've swam with sharks!

Last updated : May 2003.

MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.07.29 0 0 392
The Story So Far…

As an Australian television star, pop star, fashion designer, actress, presenter, model, and professional entertainer since the age of seven, there is only one Dannii Minogue. Her amazing new album Neon Nights, released on March 17th 2003, will once again showcase Dannii as a first-class international recording artist. The album already includes the two huge hit singles Who Do You Love Now? and Put The Needle On It. Also featured is the brand new single I Begin To Wonder, which is set to become one of this years biggest dance tracks when released on March 3, 2003.

Born Danielle Jane Minogue on October 20th 1971, Dannii first appeared as a child in two Australian television programmes Skyways and The Sullivans. Her first recording appeared on a Young Talent Time album released in Australia, when Dannii was just 15 years old! During her six years with the phenomenally successful talent show Dannii featured in several sold-out nationwide tours and performed on two albums, which featured her first solo tracks as a recording artist.

A tremendously busy year followed in 1988. Dannii's interest in fashion turned the star into a successful designer. Her debut range, simply entitled Dannii was an immediate success selling out in an amazing 10 days across Australia. During 1989 Dannii released a further 3 ranges, signed a record deal in Australia and began filming as Emma Jackson in the Australian soap Home And Away. This show was seen by over fifty million viewers a week and brought Dannii to the attention of European audiences for the first time. By the end of 1989 Dannii was voted by Australian magazines as Best Female Personality and Best New Star!

After the Australian release of Love And Kisses, which sold over 60,000 units and reached number four during 1990, Dannii quit Home And Away, released a further two hit singles and headed to London, where she now spends most of her time. During 1991 four UK Top 15 singles were released; Love And Kisses, Success, Jump To The Beat and Baby Love. They were all taken from her debut album Love And Kisses, which leaped into the Top 10 and went gold on release. At the end of the year UK magazines had voted Dannii as Best New Star, Number 1 Woman Of The Year, Best New Artist and The World's Best Female Pop Star!

Having established herself as an international super star, Dannii continued to travel the world releasing her second album Get Into You which spawned many more hit singles including the 1993 Top 10 smash This Is It. Constantly dynamic, Dannii put a temporary hold on her singing career to concentrate on her passion for television presenting. In September 1994 Dannii hosted BBC's Fan TC with a return series in 1995 attracting audiences of over 2 million. She went on to tour for six weeks presenting the Big Breakfast's Egg's On Legs roadshows, released 2 number one hits in Japan, presented a Disney television special and appeared in Australian Playboy magazine, which sold out in an amazing three days!

Even more success followed in 1995. The spectacular year began with It's Not Just Saturday, a 16-week teenage style show of which audience figures peaked at over 1.5 million. Throughout April, May and June Dannii was kept busy filming adventure series Scoop and in June, Dannii launched her very own clothing range in the UK. Taking to the road again with the Big Breakfast she went on to co-present MTV's Hanging Out and then Electric Circus. To top an amazing year off Dannii released an 18-month calendar, which became the biggest selling calendar on record, selling over 50,000 copies in its first month of sales!

Continuing to host Electric Circus Dannii released her third studio album Girl in 1997, which was proceeded by the more dance-based single All I Wanna Do that reached number 4. Dannii jetted to Australia to appear in Grease The Arena Spectacular, where she played her favourite character Rizzo, captivating audiences of over 450,000. She then returned to the UK to kick start her first ever tour, Unleashed '98, which took in over 23 dates! Having already notched up hit singles around the world it wasn't long before Mardi Gras records in Australia asked Dannii to launch the first ever gay and lesbian record label. Everlasting Night became the official anthem of 1999 and Dannii was asked to perform for the second year in a row at the event. Never before has an artist been on the Mardi Gras bill two years running. Towards the end of 1999 Dannii tackled one of the most demanding and sought after Shakespearian roles - Lady MacBeth. Performing outside at the Royal Botanic Gardens for Edinburgh's Fringe Festival, Dannii thrilled audiences for three weeks to rave reviews.

Having conquered so much in such a short space of time it didn't take much to persuade Dannii to audition for the lead role in Notre-Dame De Paris in London's West End. Having secured the part as gypsy girl Esmeralda, Dannii took to the stage in February 2001 playing to over 2,000 people a night at the Dominion Theatre. Dannii later went on to win Best Stage Performance at the Maxim Awards for this show. This was closely followed by critical acclaim for her role in the controversial play The Vagina Monologues. Dutch trance masters Riva, then approached Dannii to guest vocal on one of 2001s biggest singles Who Do You Love Now?. The track reached the dizzy heights of number three.

Before 2002 had even started Dannii had signed a six-album deal with London Records and began work on her forth studio album, now titled Neon Nights. A world-wind of live gigs up and down the country continued throughout the year including the Smash Hits Tour 2002 and headlining the 10th anniversary of London’s world-famous G.A.Y club. Put The Needle On It hit the UK’s Top 10 in early November and spent some 11 weeks on the UK singles chart. The track was also a big hit around Europe and became one Dannii’s biggest hits in homeland Australia.

On March 03rd 2003 Dannii releases her 16th UK single I Begin To Wonder. Having worked with producers such as Neimo, JCA, Ian Masterson and Korpi & Blacksell (Murlyn), Neon Nights promises a perfect blend of pop and club sophistication that will take Dannii stateside in 2003.

Is there any stopping this girl - we doubt it!

Written by Nathan Smith.

MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.07.29 0 0 391
Előzmény: judelaw (387)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.07.29 0 0 390
you think you're denying me of something
well, i've got plenty
you're the one who's missing out
but you won't notice
'til after five years
if you'll live that long
you'll wake up
all love-less

i dare you
to take me on
i dare you
to show me your palms
i'm so bored of cowards
who say what they want
then they can't handle

you can't handle love
baby, it's obvious

i dare you
to take me on
i dare you
to show me your palms
what's so scary?
not a threat in sight
you just can't handle
you can't handle love

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